In a Fire Nation vessel, outside a certain Prince's quarters...

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"You're no fun; you know that?"
Zuko sighed and turned to face me. "Don't you have other annoying things to do?"
"Done 'em," I say, shrugging. "I even stubbed my toe earlier. That wasn't fun."

He groans and turns away again. "Seriously, how old are you?"
"18," I respond, leaning against the door frame. "I'll be 19 in a few months." Zuko's shoulders go rigid. "What?"
"You're almost 19, behave like a child, and you're unmarried?"
"Hey!" I snap. "I'm a single independent waterbender, and I don't need no man!" I snort. "Sides, I'm not gonna marry some stick in the mud. And you're only as old as you feel."
"So, how old do you feel today?"

I think for a minute. "5. I think. Maybe 4." I shrug. "You act like you're 98, all old and boring. Your uncle acts like he's 25, in his prime and still smart enough to know stuff. Like I've said before, you're never too old to be young."
Zuko scoffs. "I act my age. I'm mature, unlike you."
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."

"AND...Case in point." I say, grinning triumphantly and leaping out the door, sprinting down the hall of the ship, screaming back at him. "YOU'RE JUST AS MATURE AS I AM!"

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