In a fleet far away...

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I pulled at the wig, trying not to scratch the itch it caused. After surviving the explosion and near-drowning, Zuko and I were smuggled onto one of Zhao's ships. I was posing as a soldier, a young one at that too, and to be safe, Iroh had me wear a wig to avoid anyone, especially Zhao, recognising my blonde hair. I was lucky I was small enough to pass as a young boy, something Iroh had chuckled about for a bit. I felt like Mulan, and it was kinda awesome. I had to keep myself from singing that "Be a man" song of Shang's. Oh, it was pretty fun—nothing like a near-death experience to have fun. Anyway, Zuko and I were 'patrolling' the corridors when we paused near Iroh.

"Our plan is working perfectly," he said softly. "Admiral Zhao doesn't suspect a thing."
Zuko and I removed the masks on our helmets.
"You didn't have to do this," Zuko responded softly to his uncle.
"No nephew of mine is going to stow away on a ship without some backup," Iroh responded warmly. He turned to me. "And no friend will go without some help either."
I smiled warmly. "Thanks, Iroh. After all this, we should see if we can get some of the good stuff for tea and celebrate."
"Thank you, uncle," Zuko added softly.
A clang echoed down the hall, and we both slipped the masks back in place.

Iroh chuckled softly.
"Someone's coming," he addressed Zuko next. "Stay hidden until we reach the North Pole, and the Avatar will be yours. Good luck."
With that last bit, we all set off again, as if nothing had happened.

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