Same place, a while later, Still Amaya...

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After I was somewhat warm, we agreed that we should split up to find Aang. And by agreed, I mean I claimed it would be faster if we split up. I wasn't about to kidnap Aang. That would be awkward for me later on. I decided because it itched so much to remove my wig, hooking it onto a little hooky thingy on my hip, so it looked like I had scalped someone. I know, creepy.  That also happened to be when I bumped into a rather frantic Princess Yue.

"Oops," I said, sitting there and staring at the startled princess.
She stared at me, and I stared back.
"You know, you have gorgeous hair," I said eventually.
"Er... oh, thank you..." she stuttered, carefully getting to her feet, not taking her eyes off of my hair.
I sighed. "I take that to mean you've meet Mogui?"
"You must be Amaya."
"He talks about me?" I asked, looking very confused, I'm sure.
"Princess Yue!" I think that was Sokka.
"That's my cue!" I said, jumping to my feet.
"Nice to meet you!" I yelled as I darted down an alley.
"Wait!" Yue called after me, and she barely missed catching my arm.

"Bye!" I call again until her voice vanished. I glanced up and realised with a start that the sun was rising.
"AND I STILL HAVEN'T SLEPT!" I yelled, only to slap my hands over my face and dart into another pipe as some soldiers run past.
"Stupid, Amaya," I whispered. "Keep quiet. Sleep later."
I grabbed my wig and fit it back into place, and snuck around. Soon, I spotted some clothes that someone had left out to dry. Lucky me, they probably belonged to a child or something. I switched out for the warmer Water Tribe clothes, and as such, I would blend in better this way.

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