A distant forest...

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"Hey, look!" Aang called, picking something up. "A sword made out of a whale's tooth!" He handed the weapon to Sokka.
"Lemme see that!" He examines the weapon for a moment. "This is a watertribe weapon!"
He turns to the rest of us. "See if you can find anything else!"

Soon, we were all searching the bushes and grass.
"Did someone lose something?" Katara questions as she walks down to where we were.
"No! We found something!" Aang responds excitedly.
Sokka picked up an arrow, looking it over critically. "It's burned."
He walks around, brushing his fingers along a char on a tree. "There was a battle... Water Tribe Warriors ambushed a group of firebenders. The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill." We all followed Sokka as he ran down the hill.

My blood began to rush as the thought of other firebenders being in the area filled me. If there were other firebenders, then they would be able to point out where Amaya was...I was loathed to let Aang and the others come into danger, so I pushed that thought aside. I had this odd feeling that Amaya and I would be bumping into each other sooner than I thought. We came out onto a beach and looked around at the devastated shells of boats.
"So then what happened!?" Aang asked excitedly.
"I don't know. The trail ends here."
"Damn, Sokka. Maybe I should get you to track down Amaya for me," I joke, clapping the young water tribe warrior on the shoulder.

"Wait! Look!" Katara points over to a boat that had been grounded, and we run over to investigate.
"It's one of our boats!" Sokka called.
"Is this...dad's boat?" Katara questions slowly, staring up at the boat in awe.
No, but it's from his fleet." Sokka responded, lovingly caressing the bow. "Dad was here."

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