Its the final countdown...

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"Good luck!" Iroh shouted to the crew as they left.
"Stay safe!" I yelled to them as well.
Iroh turned to me. "Are you sure you don't want to join me for a walk?"
I smiled weakly. "I've never been a fan of walking more than necessary. Sides, I'm still a little woozy from earlier."
Iroh nodded, and we parted ways outside my room. After a few minutes, I got bored, so I pulled out my flute. I'd been working on a tune from memory and had finally worked out some of it. I had always loved this tune, and so I sat there, softly playing Lugia's theme. At some point, I heard Zuko's door open. I lowered my flute and listened carefully. I could hear Zuko moving around, calling softly for Iroh.
"Here," I opened my door. "Did you hear it too?"
He nodded and indicated I follow him. As he headed deeper into the ship, I grabbed his robe.

"Hold on," I whispered. "It sounded like it came from the deck."
His eyebrows knitted together as he frowned, but he nodded and followed me towards the deck, rather than further into the ship.
We moved slowly, checking down hallways and stopping to listen every now and then. The feeling of something wrong was crawling over my skin, and I found myself clutching Zuko's robe and pretty much staying glued to him. As time went on, the feeling became more intense, and I was getting antsy. We got out onto the deck and saw no one. As we got closer to the edge of the ship, I saw that freaky parrot bird thing, which squawked at me. I pulled Zuko's shirt.

"Zuko!" I pointed at it, and his eyes grew wide. It took off, and before I could think about what I was doing, I shoved Zuko over the edge of the boat. Course, I forgot I was still clutching his robe and almost went over. The ship suddenly got rocked by the explosion, and I lost my balance, falling over the edge. I screamed and went under. 

I remembered belatedly that I couldn't swim and started to panic as I could not reach the surface. I felt the force of the explosion push me away, and as I started to blackout, something caught my shirt.

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