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Iroh and I went to break the news to Zuko. He would be pissed, and now that I knew what the bad feeling was, I had to figure out what to do about it. Iroh pushed the door open, revealing a sulking Zuko.
"For the last time! I'm not playing the Tsungi horn!" He didn't even look at us.
"Geeze, really feeling the love here," I quipped back. "Also, good to see you wearing something this time."
"What do you want, Amaya?" He turned to see Iroh looking fidgety. And me looking from Iroh to the door and then to him. I couldn't help it. I wanted to talk to Zuko, but I couldn't if Zhao walked in.
"It's about our plans," Iroh said urgently. "There's a bit of a problem."

And there he was. Zhao strutted in, and I couldn't help scowling at him. I probably looked silly. I can't scowl.
"I'm taking your crew," he announced.
"What!?" Zuko demanded, turning to face us fully.
"I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole," Zhao said impressively.
"Uncle, is that true?" Zuko demanded. I hid partially behind Iroh, hoping Zhao wouldn't change his mind about the previous agreement. I technically wasn't part of the crew, so he couldn't take me too, and I was hoping he would go with that.
"I'm afraid so," Iroh responded. "He's taking everyone. Even the cook..." 

Iroh made small pretend sob noises.

"Sorry you won't be there to watch me capture the Avatar," he said, turning his head to look over at me again. I really didn't like this guy. "But I can't have you getting in my way again." 

He returned his attention to a fuming Zuko.

Zuko lunged at Zhao, but Iroh stepped in to stop him. I stepped away, my eyes darting between all three of them. I hated conflict. It literally scared me. My breathing was getting sharper, and flashes of panic shot through me.

Zhao noticed the swords crossed over on Zuko's wall and approached them. He reached out, and I saw the surprise on Zuko's face. He knew Zhao knew, and that wasn't good. I snuck over to him and touched his arm before I whispered.
"Relax," he seemed to get the message and tried to school his features.
"I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko," Zhao said in a conversational tone, testing the balance of one of the blades.
"I'm not," Zuko responded a little too quickly. I chewed my lip. This wasn't going to work. I knew I was chewing my lip, so to avoid drawing attention to Zuko, I glanced to the floor and kept my eyes there. "They're antiques. Just decorative," Zuko added with a shrug. That last bit sounded a bit annoyed.
"Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?" Zhao questioned softly.
I shifted uncomfortably, remembering the day Zuko came back with a bonk on his head.

"Just rumours," Iroh responded, his tone business-like. "I don't think he is real."
"He's real alright," Zhao said firmly. I looked up to see him sizing Zuko and me up, trying to pick out which of us could potentially be the Blue Spirit. He knew nothing about me and only a little more about Zuko. If I remembered right, Zuko wouldn't have been firebending, so there was no way to know that it was Zuko. 

"He's a criminal. And an enemy of the Fire Nation," Zhao held the sword out to Iroh; blade pointed down. "Although, there's a chance he is actually a she." 

Iroh took the blade, and I noticed the very subtle shift of Zuko's foot as he moved ever so slightly between Zhao and me. 

"But I have a feeling that justice will catch up to this Spirit," Zhao stood by the door, and with his back to us, addressed Iroh. "General Iroh, my offer to join my mission still stands if you change your mind." With that, he left, the door closed behind him.

That's when the tension seemed to snap, and I collapsed from the stress of it all.

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