Some time later...

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The weeks had moved by surprisingly quickly, and I had become a local favourite of the kids and pretty much most of the girls in town. Sokka and Yue were off walking around somewhere, Sokka taking my advice of just hanging out as friends while Katara and Aang were training. Momo had joined Aang, so today it was a bunch of kids and me. We were having a snowball fight.

"Hey! Waterbending is cheating!" I yelled with a laugh as one of the kids launched a volley of snowballs at me. They giggled and scattered, only to regroup and tackle me to the ground again. We were all laughing and having fun when I noticed something falling from the sky. Like snow, but...Black snow?

"What the...?" I held a hand out, caught some of the stuff in my hand, and rubbed it between my fingers. It smelled like coal and fire. "Soot?" I clambered to my feet and stared at the sky again. "Guys, go find your parents, quickly."

They all ran, slightly afraid of the black soot falling from the sky, while I ran to find one of the Gaang members. As I ran, I saw the water turn black, and the bad feeling crawled across my skin again. 

"Fire Nation," I breathed, sprinting straight to where Aang and Katara would be training.

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