Flying around, thwarting Zhao's plans...

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I mentally cursed for the umpteenth time today. Princess Yue had run into Amaya. If she was here, then Zuko was likely to be around too. But that was only a close second to my reasons for cursing. Amaya was here, and I couldn't find her.

Appa landed in an Oasis, Princess Yue having told us that Zuko was, indeed here, and that he had attacked Katara.
"Why did they split up?" I questioned softly. "Surely Amaya would stay close to the guy who could keep her from getting captured and/or potentially killed?"
"She looked like she was just wandering around," Yue explained. "I don't think she had any idea what she was doing."
I made a weak sound. "No idea why, but that sounds like something she'd do."
"What happened!?" Sokka called, running over to his sister and looking her over. "Where's Zuko?"
"He took Aang!" Katara was close to tears, her voice close to breaking. "He took him right out from under me!"
"Where did they go?" Sokka asked quietly.

We stood there, staring at the two fish circling each other as we tried to figure out what would happen next, what we needed to do.
"I can't believe I lost him," Katara moaned, sinking to her knees.
"You did everything you could," Sokka comforted.
"It's not your fault Katara," I added, crouching beside her. "Heck, you and Aang are probably the only ones who stand a real chance against him. But in this case, experience trumps raw talent."
"Zuko can't have gotten far. We'll find him," Sokka called as he and Princess Yue climb onto Appa's back.
I rubbed Katara's back comfortingly. "Not on foot and with Aang. Come on. Now it's our turn to do everything we can to get him back."
"Aang's gonna be fine," Sokka said gently.
"Okay," Katara breathed, and I pulled her to her feet.

Momo seemed utterly depressed and sat there staring at the water sadly.
"It's alright," Katara called down to the lemur. "You stay here, Momo. In case Aang comes back."
"Yip, yip," I called as Appa took off.

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