Back at the Abbey...

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We barged through the doors, accompanied by the roar of the shirshu and my uproarious laughter. I couldn't help myself. It was just so much fun. While the thingy was doing its greyhound thing, I twisted to face Zuko.
"This is so much better than sitting out in the ocean all day. Why don't we do this more often?" Zuko gave me an expression I could best describe as long-suffering but didn't answer. "I think I'd look very nice in one of those things," I said, pointing over at one of the women. "What do you think, Zuko?"
"I think you should focus on finding the Avatar."
"Well, no oversized fluffball with horns, nope. I'm guessing the Avatar isn't here," I said lazily, twisting around in my seat to get the crick in my back to go away.
"Good guess," June calls back to me.
"Thank you. I pride myself on my deductive abilities," I responded dramatically. "We're getting close, though?"
"Yeah," June cracked her whip, and the Shirshu leapt forward again, and we charged headlong into the forest.

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