Mogui/Lexie's adventures continue...

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I slept through most of the morning and would have quite happily slept well into the afternoon, too, if Sokka hadn't decided to make everyone walk. He gave me some of his clothes since they all agreed it would be hard to find help if everyone thought I was Fire Nation... Then we walked straight into a Fire Nation camp. Now, by this point, everyone had agreed that I was harmless and had already removed my bonds, so we all just kind of stood there and stared at the soldiers. Sokka tried to bluff his way out of our predicament, but that worked about as well as a ballet in heels. In other words, not too well. Eventually, a group of guys showed up and helped us fight them off. The new guys had no clue that I was a Fire dude, 'cause I used no fire bending throughout the whole ordeal, except maybe deflect some of the more hazardous fireballs, but those were sneaky.

It all ended with some hot-shot new guy making some moves on Katara, the whole "bad boy/Roguish" thing going on there. Just by looking at Sokka, it wasn't clear if he disliked the new guy or how the new guy was flirting with his sister. Either way, attention was off me.

"My name is Jet." Pretty boy was chewing on a grass stem. The copycat. "These are my freedom fighters. Sneers." Some random eating out a bowl. "Longshot." Random in a pointy hat, holding a bow. Original... "Smellerbee." Random kid with LOTS of knives and swords. Crazy hair too. "The Duke and Pipsqueak." A small kid with an oversized helmet and a huge fat guy with a big stump just chilling across his back appeared.

Aang approaches the little kid and laughs. "Haha, Pipsqueak. That's a funny name." The kid stares at him blankly, while the fat guy seemed to get annoyed.

"You think my name is funny?" He growled.

For a moment, I thought Aang was going to pee himself. But then this huge goofy grin split his face, and he said loudly. "It's hilarious!"

The big guy stared at Aang for a moment before busting out laughing. Then "Pipsqueak" pounded Aang on the back in a good-natured manner, and Aang faceplants into the ground, still laughing alongside the now chuckling giant.

I think he is just a bit nuts... "So, why are you here? Shouldn't you be disrupting the supply line? Setting traps for columns of troops? That sort of thing?" I picked up some of the armour... "This is pretty good stuff... You could put it to some good use, you know... Disguise yourselves as their troops and wreak havoc from the inside... Or you know... Upgrade your own armour..." I tried on a helmet. "Does this make my butt look big?" I gathered some armour and tried it on... "Decent fit... Too bad there is too much of it for just me..."

Jet completely ignored me, clearly only having eyes for Katara and Aang, as they were the only benders in the group. Well.... that he knows about...

Sokka stood off to one side, watching the group as they started searching the camp and gathering supplies and such. Sokka overheard Katara and Jet chatting, and I also heard the small jibe that Katara made to her brother about relying on instincts while Jet waved it off. "You'll get yourself killed doing that."

I felt my brow furrow a little. Instinct was important and was the only way to survive out in the wilderness. To ignore your instincts is what will get you killed.

Jet took us to his lair, which turned out to be just a giant treehouse. I didn't completely trust this new guy. I trudged over to Sokka, and we talked a little. He seemed to trust me more now that I helped take on those fire dudes, but he was still a little sceptical of me. I wanted to try and get on his goods side, so I started to use humour... "What great energy, intelligence, and magnificent, beautiful eyes... And that hair... But enough about me, what do you think his motives are?"

"I don't know," Sokka muttered quietly, not even noticing my little joke. "But my instincts are telling me we should leave."

I nodded, but there wasn't really much we could do right then since Aang and Katara were pretty much completely enthralled with the guy. In Katara's case....well, girls her age are known for falling in love at the drop of a hat, so she was not likely to listen to anyone but Jet.

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