Out at sea, in the middle of a storm...

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Zuko came out and caught my arm as a wave almost threw me to my butt. My knee was sore and made standing hard, even more so because of the treacherous sea. I clung to his arm for support as he called out to Jee. "Where were we hit!?"
"I don't know!"
"Up there!" I call out, pointing to where I had seen the lightning strike. There was smoke curling up into the black clouds, and one could just make out the shape of someone dangling up there.

"Look!" Iroh called.
"The helmsman!" Zuko called out before handing me over to his uncle, who helped me keep my balance, while Zuko hurried to the man's rescue. Jee climbed up close behind him, and I watched with trepidation as they climbed. Iroh had one of the crewmen take me inside. Still, I struggled and got away, worried about the men climbing a slippery metal ladder in the middle of a thunderstorm out at sea. I got to see another cool sight, even if I fell on my knee again. Iroh caught and redirected lightning away from the ship. It left him with incredible static hair, and he was smoking a little, but besides looking startled, he seemed fine. The sound of someone screaming caught my ear, and I turned my head up to see Zuko had caught the falling helmsman. Jee helped the man onto the ladder, and they all climbed down. This time, I pulled myself to my feet and stumbled back out onto the deck, calling out, "Are all of you alright!?"

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