The Ill Gaang...

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The next thing I know, Aang is pushing something cold into my mouth.

"Suck on these. They'll make you feel better..." He sounded down, and I wanted to make sure my little buddy was alright, but I felt fragile, and my mouth was occupied.

Sokka, however, doesn't seem affected by that fact.
 "Aang, how was your trip?" He slurred. "Did you make any new friends?"

"No. I don't think I did," Aang responded, sounding despondent.

I stuck my head out of the sleeping bag and coughed up half a lung.

"Hola Ohana," I croaked. "I think Katara started to get sick too..."

After sucking on whatever Aang had given me, I could already feel myself getting better.

"Mmm! This is good!" Sokka cheered.

The next thing I know, something is wiggling in my mouth. My eyes go wide, and I spit out the frog.


The other two do the same, only with a bit less yelling. Aang has his back to us and seems out of sorts. So once I get over the fact he put a frog in my mouth, I crawl over to him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"It's nothing..." He responded. "Just tired."

"Alright, rest up," I said, patting him on the back. "Why did you give us frogs?"

"Old lady medicine woman said they'll help." He answered vaguely.

"Ah... ok."

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