Did I hear Amaya again... I'm not sure...

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"Knock, knock."

"That's not the same as actually knocking."

"Have you tried knocking on solid metal? It kinda hurts," I put a tray down in front of the teen. "Now, barring another stowaway, you should be able to drink tea without spilling it everywhere, no?"

"Haha, very funny," he responded dryly.

"I thought it was."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't you join in with music night?"

"Normally, yes, but I decided to talk to you tonight. Or, you know, drink tea. I'm not super fond of socializing all the time, but I also know people are social creatures, and there's no way you can convince me you're not a people," I took a sip of my tea and pulled a face. "What I wouldn't do for hot cocoa," I muttered.

Zuko spluttered on his drink. "What!?"

"What? What?"

"What did you say?"

"What I wouldn't do for hot cocoa. You know, a hot drink made of cocoa beans?" I stared at him for a moment. "Why is your face so red? And did your voice squeak?"

"Nothing! It's nothing!"

I lifted an eyebrow at him and stared as I drank, thinking over what I had said and how it could be misinterpreted. "What did you hear?"

"Exactly what you said."





"...." Click. "Ahahahahahahahahaha! Oh my goodness! You thought...? Haha.... oh, I can be so embarrassing, sorry about that, Koko."

"Oh, shut up," he grumbled, a small smile barely hidden behind his teacup.

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