When suddenly...

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A crack of thunder and lightning drew our attention outside, and we heard the sound of someone calling for help. Another flash of lightning lit up the silhouette of the old woman from the docks.
"Help! Oh, please help!" She cried out, sounding absolutely terrified.

We ran out to see what was wrong, and Katara helped the old woman into the cave. "It's ok! You're safe!" She called out, bringing the woman close to the fire.
"But my husband isn't!" She said, and despite the harsh words the two had shared earlier, you could hear the concern in her voice.
"Wait! You're telling me that even with the ominous clouds and everything, he still went out?" I say, giving the old lady a mildly horrified expression. "Then Sokka's in danger too."
"They haven't returned!" She wailed. "They should have been back by now, and this storm is becoming a typhoon!"

Aang and I exchanged glances and nodded firmly to one another. "They're caught out at sea!"
We rose to our feet, determination on our faces. "I'm going to find them!" Aang declared.
"I'm going with you!" Katara responded.
I give my most charming smile to the old lady. "So will I, but only cause you said I was pretty!" I bat my lashes at the old woman in a joking manner, and while she harumphed at me, the other two broke down in giggles.
"I'm staying here!" She responded, sitting down beside the fire. 

Once we had roused Appa and got him ready to head out, I pulled Katara up into Appa's saddle while Aang let the old lady know we would be back soon. The little monk jumped up onto Appa's head, and we all prepared ourselves for the torrential downpour. With all of us looking, the downpour made it hard to see regardless, but we hoped that at least one of us would spot the boat.

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