Outside the Northern Water Tribe...

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"THERE IT IS!" Aang called excitedly, pointing to the huge icy wall ahead. It was a seamless barrier, with a symbol similar to the one on Katara's necklace emblazoned in the middle.

"We're finally here..." Sokka breathed. Katara stared up at the walls with shining eyes.

"And I'm already freezing off my keester," I grumbled with a small grin. As we approached the wall, some of the waterbenders started doing some random bending, which opened a hole in the wall that we passed through. As we went through, Amaya flashed through my mind, and I had a sinking feeling in my gut. Was she in danger? Last time I had a feeling like this... No, she would be fine! I hoped...

The walls were surprisingly thick as we moved into a sort of in-between thing, where there were more walls. This was a fortress, and there were hundreds of waterbenders. Amaya and Katara would have no problems finding a Master to teach them here. But then again, Amaya would need to be here for a Master.

"I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here," Katara commented as waterbenders opened the second gate for us.

"We'll find a master to teach us, no problem!" Aang said cheerfully. Once in the actual city, I was certain my jaw was hanging open. This place was...incredible! The city was huge and completely made of ice. It was beautiful. People stopped to stare, and I leaned back against the saddle and looked over at Sokka with an amused grin.

"I must be the first Firebender in a hundred years who has the privilege of visiting this place. It's incredible!" Sokka grinned back to me, and we watched Aang wave cheerfully to anyone he could see. Soon a pretty boat, with a prettier girl, drifted past us. Sokka watched it go by, a dreamy look on his face.

"This place is beautiful!" Katara said, leaning against my shoulder. I give her an amused look but turn my head to see what Sokka was doing. He was sitting on Appa's tail, staring after the pretty girl.

"Yeah... she is," he responded dreamily, kinda, sorta drooling.

"Dude, put your tongue back in your mouth," I teased.

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