Around watertown....

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I had Momo on my shoulder and a train of random Water Tribe ankle-biters following me. I was quite the commodity. Aside from the kids, some girls would approach me, and I'd chat with them, but otherwise, it was mostly the kids.

"Can you burn that door?" One kid with a snotty nose asked.

"Why would I want to burn the door?" I asked, frowning at the kid.

"Cause it's an evil door!" A little girl with a gap tooth said excitedly.

"Yeah! Burn it!" A few other kids started chanting. Some adults paused to see what the commotion was, and I frowned.

"Firebending isn't for your entertainment!" I said firmly. At their disappointed faces, I felt a little bad. "How about I do the Sasha's Spicyshimmy?"

I started doing a weird little shimmy dance thing, and the kids all started laughing at me.

"Glad you think it's funny," I said as I flopped down, and they all joined me. "Ok, just a little flame, but nobody touch it. You could get badly hurt."

I held up my hand and the kids sort of started crowding. "Hey now, I won't do it if you all crowd."
When they were all settled, I created a small flame in my hand and let the flames dance around my fingers and twist around my wrists. The kids all oohed and ahhed, and what have you, and I saw a few girls whispering to each other and smiling my way. I grinned over at them, and they ran off giggling.

"Oi, Fire Freak," I looked up again to see a group of boys, probably just a bit younger than me, strutting towards me.

"Ah!" I said dramatically. "And here we have the infamous Braidy Bunch... who must challenge other males for dominance."

"Are you mocking me?"

"No..." I snorted. "Yes."

One of them grabbed my collar, and the kids screamed and ran off. "Think you're something special, Fire Freak?"

"Now you see," I grabbed his hand. "That would be intimidating... if you were... well... intimidating..." I squeezed a pressure point in his thumb, forcing him to release my collar, then shoved him away. He happened to stumble a bit before plunging into the water.

One of the other guys stepped forward, cracking his knuckles while some of the other guys helped their friend. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

"Me? I'm here to set things right. Also? To look dashing. That part's less difficult," I said flamboyantly. "Seriously though, what are you guys after?"

"You are just like the rest of your kind. You might be a little different, but you're still like the rest." The leader said as his comrades waterbent the water from his clothes.

"You kill my people cause it's fun!"

"It's possible. Apparently, I kill a lot of people," I said absently, staring at the speck of snow on my boot until it melted. "Look, I'm not in the mood for you people. Come on, Momo."

"That's right. You better leave Fire Freak! We knew you were a coward!" The leader taunted.

"No, not a coward, just smart," I responded, waving a hand over my shoulder. "Let's do this again sometime. It was so much fun." 

That happened to be when Sokka came around the corner.

"Dude, you're soaked."

"Fell into the canal," I stared at Sokka for a moment before I burst out laughing.

"You have to tell me what happened," I threw an arm over Sokka's shoulder.

He gave a small, half chuckle, half sigh.

"Want me to steam dry you?" I asked, holding up a small flame in my other hand.

"Sure," Sokka shrugged. "So this is what happened..."

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