Out at Sea, in the air, in the middle of a storm...

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Even with all of us searching, all we could see was rain. It was a little hard to make out what was sea and the sky; thats how bad it was out there.
"Where are they!?" Katara called out, her voice fearful.
"Don't worry, we'll find them! Just keep looking!" I call back. Just at that moment, a huge wave appears before us.
"Come on, Appa!" Aang yelled, pulling Appa up, trying to outclimb the wave before it reached us. Just when it seemed like we wouldn't make it, Aang used his airbending to create a hole through the wave, and we passed through unharmed.

"The boat!" Aang called, pointing up ahead, where lightning could be seen striking the ocean. "It's there!"

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