Back at the cave...

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"Oh!" The old woman runs out with her arms outstretched, hugging her husband fiercely. "You're alive!" She suddenly pulls away and scowls at her husband, pointing at Aang. "You owe this boy an apology!"
The old man pouts when Aang pipes up. "He doesn't have to apologise."
"Hrmm." The old man says loudly, stroking his beard. "What about instead of an apology, I give him a free fish, and we call it even."
"Actually, I don't eat meat," Aang says, a shy smile on his face.
"Fish ain't meat!" The man says, almost desperately.
"Seriously, you're still going to pay me, right?" Sokka asks, holding his hand out expectantly. The old man drops a fish into Sokka's waiting hand, and his expression was just priceless.
"Ah!" He squeaks.

"Katara, Mogui. I think you were right before," Aang said thoughtfully, coming to stand before us while Sokka and the old couple argued. "I'm done dwelling on the past."
"Really!?" Katara asks, obviously trying to contain her excitement.
"I can't keep making what-ifs and could-haves all the time," he turns to look at us, a big smile on his face. "I'm here now, and I'm going to make the most of it."
"I don't think you're going to have those nightmares anymore," Katara responded, smiling warmly.
"Well, ain't that just fine and dandy," I groan.

"Oh yeah!" Aang turns to me, his face slightly confused. "Out in the storm, I saw Zuko's ship. There was a girl in blue clothes holding his hand. Her hair was wet, but I could tell it was kind of a similar colour to your hair."
"Er, well..." The old man came up and put his hand on Aang's shoulder. "If you weren't here now, well, I guess I wouldn't be either. Thank you for saving my life, Avatar."
"Do you hear that!?" Sokka called out, smiling back at us. "It stopped raining."
"Guys, we have a different issue. Like why is there a waterbender on a Fire Nation ship?" I say absently, poking Sokka on the back of the head.

"Psh," Sokka says, swatting my hand away. "That would never happen unless the waterbender was a prisoner."
"Exactly! Aang says he saw a friend of mine with Zuko." I turn my head and look at Katara. "She's a waterbender if I remember right. She went looking for help just before you guys found me."
"Really?" Katara's eyes seem to fill with anticipation. "Then Zuko must have captured her, thinking she would help him!"
"Actually." Aang pipes up again. "It didn't seem like she minded being there. She smiled when she saw me. Also, they were kind of holding hands..." 

Just then, Appa started shaking himself off. "Ahh!" We all yelled, jumping away from the behemoth of wet fur. "Appa!" "D'oh!"

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