The eye of the storm...

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The water was definitely calmer here. With a sigh of relief, I sat down on the bobbing deck and rubbed my sore knee. It was a little swollen and looked a bit ghastly, but otherwise, it wasn't too bad. There was a patch of clear sky above us, and we could still hear the distant rumbling of thunder, but for now, we were safe.
"Thank goodness!" I sighed loudly. The crew shared my sentiment, and all nodded in agreement, some joining me on the floor.

I happened to be sitting close enough to hear Zuko apologise to his uncle.
"Your apology is accepted," Iroh said warmly, placing a hand on Zuko's shoulder.
Zuko turned to face me slightly, an indecipherable expression on his face like he wasn't sure what to do. So, I put my hand up and stop him. "Don't apologise; there's nothing to apologise for." His eyes dart to my knee. "This is what happens when you're clumsy AND out at sea," I say, a huge grin on my face. "It's not nearly as bad as it looks. I've had worse." Zuko helps me to my feet, a small smile at the edge of his lips.
"You need to actually smile more. You're waaay too young for those kinds of wrinkles."

Just then, something bursts out of the water, and I clutch his hand a little tighter, my face most likely showing my surprise as I jumped a little, almost into Zuko. The Avatar literally flies directly over the ship, our eyes meeting. He stares at Zuko for a bit, but the surprise and recognition in his eyes when he looks at me is all the confirmation I need. Lexie was with him.

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