Not far from there...

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"The Avatar!" Zuko called out.
For a moment, I wondered if he'd gone mad, but then I looked up and saw it too. For a split second, I wondered if Lexie was there too and couldn't help the hopeful expression on my face.
"What do you want to do, sir!?" Jee responded, snapping to attention. I saw the war on Zuko's face as he weighed his honour against the lives of his crew.

He turned back to Jee, no sign of that war to be seen on his face now. "Let him go." He said calmly. "We need to get this ship to safety. Amaya was right. We can't catch him if we're dead."
I give Zuko a funny look. "One of these days, you're going to need to learn that women are always right." He smirks slightly before turning away. "Especially me," I add as an afterthought.
"Then we must head directly into the eye of the storm," Iroh suggested. He looked over to his nephew, his expression seeming to say, 'what say you, nephew?'
Zuko stared out after the Avatar for a moment longer before he gave the order.

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