A previous location of the Gaang...

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Charging headlong is actually very tiring. At some point, I must've fallen asleep against Zuko. With some embarrassment, I wondered if I snored or drooled on him. Probably. That is the way life works - when you don't want to be weird, that's when you will be at your weirdest. Sigh. We stopped near an old lady, the herbalist Aang would have come to see.

"Out for a bit of fresh air, are we?" She questioned calmly.

"We're looking for someone!" Zuko called down.

"I hope it's not Miyuki," the crazy old lady looks down at her cat and chastises it gently.

"The Avatar's been through here. Let's keep moving!" June calls back.

"You're the one driving this thing." I quip back. She cracks her whip, and the beast charged off again. I giggled madly as we go, clutching Zuko tightly to avoid falling off the back.

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