In the air...

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The sky suddenly turned red, and I had a sinking feeling in my gut. Yue winced, clutching her head, and my eyes grew wider.

"Are you ok?" Sokka questioned, putting an arm around her.
"I feel faint..." she said weakly.
"I feel it too," Aang said just as weakly.
"Aang, where did you say the spirits were?" I yelled to him.
"The Oasis," he called back nervously.
"Poopknuckles... I have a feeling that Zhao has beat us there...." I turned to an unconscious Zuko and grabbed his collar. "Where is Amaya!?"
"Dude, he can't answer you. He's unconscious..." Sokka sighed.

Aang looked up to the moon, and I heard his weak words with a sinking heart. "The moon spirit is in trouble."
"I owe the moon spirit my life," Yue said sadly.
"What do you mean?" Sokka asked, leaning forward.
Yue told us about how when she was born, she was very sick and very weak. She didn't cry and apparently looked like she had been sleeping. The healers had done everything they could, but nothing had worked. Yue was going to die. She told us how her father pleaded with the spirits to save her and that he took her to the oasis and placed her in the pond, where her hair turned white, and she began to cry. The moon spirit had blessed her and saved her life.
"That's why my mother named me Yue. For the moon," she said softly.

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