Same time, different place...

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I was sitting below deck with the other crew members, playing with a little bit of water, while the men griped about Zuko. It made me sad, but I knew I couldn't let anything slip about how much I actually knew about Zuko's past. It would be suspicious, to say the least.

"I'm sick of taking his orders!" Jee growled. "How can you stand it, Amaya? The way he's always insulting you and belittling you!"
"I kinda do the same to him. It's a game we play." I respond, not breaking my focus from the tendril of water I was making do loop-de-loops.
"Well, I'm tired of chasing his Avatar!" Jee resumed his rant. I think he needs to lay off the drink for a bit. He's starting to slur his words. "I mean, who does Zuko think he is!?"

"Do you really want to know?" Hey, right on cue, gramps! Iroh stands at the door, looking a little sad. All the men snap to attention and jump to their feet.
"General Iroh!" Jee seems to have sobered rather quickly. I guess embarrassment would do that to a guy. "We were just-"
"It's ok!" Iroh assures everyone, coming into view at the top of the stair I was sitting on. "May I join you?"
"Of course, sir!"

Iroh steps down, and I scoot out the way so he can climb down. He pauses long enough to offer a hand to me. I waterbend the little tendril of water into my mouth and take his hand. He sits near the fire, and I sit next to him. Once he was comfortable, he strokes his little goatee.

"Try to understand. My nephew is a complicated young man." Iroh starts of sternly, all the men watching him impassively. "He has been through much..."
I listened. I knew this story, and I knew how it ended, but hearing it in person...well, it was so much worse. I listened as Iroh explained how Zuko wanted to join the meeting in the war chamber and how Iroh had helped him on the condition he remained silent. I listened as Iroh explained what it was that set Zuko's outburst off.
"Zuko was right, you see," Iroh said, his voice lacking all its previous mirth. "But it was not his place to speak out, and there were...dire consequences." 

The way Iroh said that sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't even try to hide my discomfort at the mention of what Zuko had brought on himself with his display of honour. Iroh bowed his head to gather his thoughts, and we all sat quietly for the old man to continue.

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