Back on a Fire Nation Vessel....

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"Hey, Koko..."

"Don't call me that," Zuko grumbled, having finally realised the more he got angry, the more creative I got with names and pranks. The other guys had picked up on it and had learned to laugh it off.

"Koko, guess what."

"I despise guessing games." He growled back.

"Oh, but you'll really love this one."

"What?" He snapped, turning to face me.

"Come on, guess..." I whined, pouting at him.

"You found my uncle's missing shoe?"


"I give up."

I took on an expression of mock horror. "The mighty crown prince of the Fire Nation gives up?!"

"Aren't you a little old to be playing guessing games?" He demanded, taking up a firebending stance to go through his training.

I did the Rafiki thing he hates so much again. "You are never too old to be young."

Iroh laughed boisterously beside me. Obviously, the only time I annoyed  Zuko is when my perpetual bodyguard is near. I don't think roast Amaya sounds all that delish. To me anyway.

"Is there a point to any of this?" He breathed out as calmly as possible, preparing to go through the firebending poses.

"Nope, no point. Tis, a circle." I said, absently waving my arms in a circle. The water I was playing with making lazy loops above me. That way, if I made a mistake, I'd be the only one who got wet.

Zuko made an annoyed sound and proceeded to ignore me. Once I got bored of the loopies, I carefully dropped the water into the bucket one of the crew had given me. I turned to watch Zuko and eventually got bored of that too. Sighing loudly, I took up a meditative pose and decided actually to give meditation a go. GUESS WHAT!? IT'S ALSO BORING.

"KOKO, I'M BORED!" I shouted, startling Zuko, who turned a fireball on me by accident. Lucky for me, I had somewhat mastered moving water to the point that I stopped myself from getting more than a little warm. "Ok, not so bored anymore. Thanks, Koko."

"What the hell were you thinking!?" He shouted, stomping straight into my space.

"Uh... I'm bored? Duh." He growled before stomping away. "Hey, Zuko!" He paused, glowering at me from the doorway. "Sorry, I'll be more careful when I shout at you next time." His eyes narrowed, and he scoffed loudly as he stalked to his room. "Stupid Amaya." I scolded. "If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk!"

"Wise advice," Iroh said gently behind me. "But it isn't solely your fault. Action without thought is dangerous, and my nephew needs to remember to be always aware of his surroundings so that he isn't so easily startled in the future."

"Nice to know I'm indirectly helpful." I grinned. "But next time, I'm definitely keeping a bigger distance between us. So, any word on the Avatar?"

"None yet," Iroh said, calmly drinking his tea. "But we must be patient. We will find him sometime soon."

"And then what?" I asked softly. "Zuko thinks he needs the Avatar to regain his honour. But the world needs the Avatar to restore the balance."

Iroh nodded softly. "I can only hope that my nephew realises that before he makes a terrible mistake."

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