Zuko's ship...

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I was currently watching Iroh play Pai Sho while Zuko and Jee discussed Aang's whereabouts. Just at that moment, another, much larger ship pulled up next to us.
"What do they want!?" Zuko snapped.
"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho!" Iroh said gleefully.
"I'LL BE IN MY ROOM!" I yell over my shoulder as I skip out. "Making no noise and pretending that I don't exist!"
Zuko snorts at that, and I stick my tongue out at him childishly before I made my way to my room.

After almost an hour since the other ship came and went, I left my room with Iroh to see Zuko training furiously out on the deck.
"Prince Zuko." Iroh started, calmly drawing Zuko's attention to us. "It has been almost an hour, and the men haven't received any orders."
"I don't care what they do!" He snapped.
"Don't give up hope yet," Iroh said calmly. "You can still find the Avatar before Zhao does."
"How uncle?!" Zuko asks, turning around with a confused and desperate expression. "With Zhao's resources, it's just a matter of time before he captures the Avatar." And the frown is back.
"Oh, ye of little faith," I say smiling. "Catching the Avatar is one thing. Keeping him is another."
Zuko glances down and turns away. "My honour, my throne...my country...I'm about to lose them all..."

I step up to Zuko and put my hand on his shoulder. "If it helps? I think you have more honour in your pinky finger than anyone else I have ever met. Don't lose hope."

 Zuko looks down at my hand, then shrugs it off gently. "Thank you, Amaya."

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