Zuko's Ship...

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Iroh and I were out on the deck, Iroh helping me practice a rather haunting tune.

Together we actually sounded incredible, if I do say so myself. At that moment, Zuko stepped up onto the deck, returning from some mission. If my guesstimation was right, he was returning from Zhao's fortress and had rescued Aang. I smiled warmly at him before resuming my tune.

"Where have you been, Prince Zuko?" Iroh asked cheerfully. "You missed music night! Lieutenant Jee sang, a stirring love song!"

"Even I have to admit, it was a pretty good love song," I say, with a small laugh. "And I'm not really much of a sucker for those things."

"I'm going to bed," Zuko responded, in a tone that suggested he wasn't in the mood for any banter. "No disturbances." Zuko rubbed his head, and I remembered he probably has one mean headache. I jump up and chase after him, walking in step with him.

"Headache Zuko?" I ask casually. He shoots me a look as if to say, 'what about it?' I smile in a friendly manner. "You should drink some green tea. It should help." 

He smiles a little at me and heads off to his room. I wander back to Iroh, playing my little flute all the way.

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