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"Yup?" I turned to look at the crew member who was holding up a tray.

"Could you bring this to the prince? He's in a bit of a mood."

I gave him a slight pout. "So you'll throw me to the wolves? I'm hurt!"

His eyes almost bulged out as he stumbled over an apology. I chuckled at his flustered reaction and took the tray from him.

"Don't worry. I was only joking," I gave him a huge smile. "Sides, I was just thinking it was time to annoy him today."

The man gave a light chuckle. "Careful he doesn't have you thrown off the ship then."

I laughed back and started heading towards Zuko's quarters. "He wouldn't. I'd drag him down with me."

I kicked Zuko's door three times with my foot and heard a muffled 'go away' on the other side from the room's occupant. 

"HOUSEKEEPING!" I yelled obnoxiously. "And your tea is getting cold. Open up, Koko."

After a few minutes, the door opened to reveal a very annoyed and half-naked Zuko. 

"OK, wow, put a shirt on before you poke someone's eye out," I said, shoving the tray into his hands and turned sharply, not looking at him. "Jeez."

"You're not staying?" He sounded genuinely confused at that. I threw a cautious peek over my shoulder and jerked my head back again when I realised he was just standing there and was indeed still without a shirt.



"You're naked?"

"No, I'm not."

"Half-naked then."



"Turn around."



"Are you wearing a shirt?"


"Then no."

I heard a frustrated sigh and then retreating footsteps. Not even a minute later, I heard Zuko call me. I turned around and peeked inside to see he had thrown on a shirt.

"Why are you so concerned about that anyway? It's normal," he questioned, his eyebrows furrowed, and I could see a kind of calculating look in his eyes. Oh, he thinks he's turned the table on me, does he? Well then...

"Because you'd probably complain if I decided not to wear a shirt," I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth, my eyes growing super wide. "I shouldn't have said that...I should not have said that...."

Zuko stared at me for a moment, and I could literally see his neck turning pink and creeping up onto his face, his mouth slightly agape. I laughed and shook my head.

"ANYWAY! You should drink your tea or something. I'm going to find someone else to embarrass for now. Bye!" I turned and skipped out of the room, and once clear of his room, I ran off to my room, where I sat in still silence before bursting out into what probably sounded like maniac laughter.

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