In some Earth Kingdom Ruins...

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The sound of coughing filled the cave where we had set up camp. It seems Sokka has a terrible fever.
"This should bring your fever down," Katara said gently, holding a wet cloth to Sokka's forehead. I wasn't feeling so great myself and was currently bundled up in Katara's sleeping bag, trying to sleep it off.
"You know what I love about Appa the most?" Sokka slurred. "His sense of humour!"
"That's nice," Katara said patiently. She brought another cloth to me. I had decided to stay as quiet as possible. The stuff coming out of Sokka's mouth was just plain embarrassing. I didn't need to say dumb stuff like that. "I'll tell him."

Appa made a weird noise, also being extra patient with Sokka today. Sokka started laughing. "Classic Appa..."
"How are the guys doing?" Aang questioned, coming to talk to Katara.
"Sokka isn't doing too great, and Mogui seems to be getting worse," Katara explained.
"Guys..." I croaked. "Trying to sleep..."
"Sorry..." They whispered back. After a moment, I finally managed to doze off into a fitful sleep.

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