El Fin

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading this. Each reader means a lot to me. As I said at the beginning, I do not own anything, except Mogui... He is mine... no touchy... More than half of this is thanks to AmayaDisapproves the wonderful. We are currently working on book 2, Earth, in which we will continue the story of Aang learning Earthbending. And who knows... maybe a little love... You know, this is the first story I have ever finished... I LOVE THIS FEELING. probably because I knew exactly what was gonna happen next all the way through ... Anyhow... Please leave comments. Tell me what you liked and didn't like, Where my mistakes are and such... I really wanted this to be as close to the actual storyline as possible because I'm not big on ripping things to shreds for no reason...

Also... Should Mogui get his memories back? I'm not sure whether I should let him or not...

Hola personas!
How are you all doing? So... I have a friend who wants in on the story, How do you guys feel about another person who is pretty much like Amaya, but from the Fire Nation? I still want to know your thoughts on Mogui's memories and such, and also, who wants Mogui/Lexie to become an epic bender capable of dragon style fire attacks? Amaya would also get a cool ability... I'm thinking, kinda like how Toph can do metal bending, Katara can do blood bending and 'Gramps' can blast lightning bolts... Special abilities like that...
Please leave comments :) We love you all :) :D 

10/12/14 update.
So!!! Howdy people! I have a bunch of draft chapters on Watty right now, I'm just waiting for the green light from Cait/Maya. As with this one, the updates will be infrequent and slow when you have all caught up... So... Right now I'm writing The Blind Bandit episode. So far, so good... Comments, suggestions, and complaints are all welcome. (From what I've heard, you want more Amaya time, more Disney references and for me to hurry my butt up...) Well... no spoilers, but you do get a bit of a look into Amaya's brain for a bit, and I will be trying to hurry up and get these to you as soon as possible (Without losing its epicness of course).

09/11/2015 update

Greetings. For all of you leaving comments demanding more Amaya and Zuko scenes, I thought I'd inform you that there is indeed a sequel, almost done and heading towards the Book of Fire soonish, that has ever so slightly longer chapters for our favorite dysfunctional duo. Also, drama. You'll love it. I think. Check it out!

17/07/2018 update

Hello, all my lovelies. Our wonderful Miss Amaya is starting something fun. Sort of like our blooper reel, we are asking you guys to send in questions for our crew (Amaya, Mogui, two new friends in Rock 'n Roll, and a new friend in Totally Lit) to answer. They can be anything! There are three examples already posted over on Amaya's page under... Q&A with Avatar Friends

Also, thanks sooooo much for continuing to read our stuff, this has become soooo much bigger than initially thought when we started. Mad props to you guys for sticking with us after so long.

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