In the Ship....

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"When Prince Zuko saw it was his father, who had come to duel him." Iroh took a swig from his mug. "He begged for mercy."

I listened as Iroh recounted what Zuko had said and how he had pleaded with his father for forgiveness while Ozai demanded Zuko fight back for his honour. I listened with growing disgust for the man as Iroh told us how Zuko refused to fight and how Ozai cruelly told his son, 'you will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher'. I hated the man. I hated how Iroh told us that Zuko looked up at his father, tears streaming down his cheeks, how Ozai burned him. I sprang to my feet, running out of the room, Zuko's screams in my ears as I remembered the story from back home. I found myself standing outside his door. The door was slightly ajar, and with a light nudge, it opened completely. Zuko meditated, the flames of the candles reacting to his breaths, growing and shrinking with every inhale and exhale. I don't know what I was thinking. It was so very out of character for me, but I ran into the room and threw my arms around his shoulders, burying my face into his neck as a few tears slipped from my eyes. I could feel him tense as I hugged him, but he seemed to go limp once the tears touched his neck. I have no idea why I hugged him. I felt pathetic for crying, especially in front of someone. After a moment, I pulled away and ran out onto the deck, letting my tears flow free as the rain hit my face. I stumbled and slipped as the wet deck swayed violently on dangerous waves. I was there in time to see a bolt of lightning hit the ship, and I couldn't help my terrified shriek as I fell to my knees.

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