In the armory, sharpening stuff...

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"Let me tell you, Sowka," Hahn was, well, ignoring my presence, and honestly, I didn't really care. But I could tell from Sokka's expression; he wasn't too pleased.
"I've courted a lot of girls, but Yue is the finest, and she comes with the most perks."
I dropped my axe at that. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Sokka looked like he had been about to cut in there. "Perks? What does that even mean!?"
"Yue's nice and everything, but the points I'll gain with the Chief aren't bad either."

I had to restrain myself at that physically. What kind of self-absorbed-
"Princess Yue is wasted on a self-absorbed weasel like you," Sokka growled.
"Whoa, hang on," Hahn apparently wasn't aware of his stupidity. But then again, the stupid ones never were aware of how stupid they were. "What do you care?"
"Does he need a reason?" I asked, coming to stand in front of the guy. "Any self-respecting guy would be outraged by your treatment of a sweet girl like Princess Yue."
"You're just a simple rube from the Southern Tribe," Hahn smirked, ignoring my comment. "What would you know of the political complexities of our life? No offence," he turned his head to me. "And you're just firebending scum. What do you know about 'self-respecting'?"

At that, we both launched ourselves at him with our own personal yells of rage as we shoved Hahn to the ground and started our little tangle of fists.
"You're just a jerk without a soul!" Sokka yelled, punching Hahn in the face. "No offence!"
"Son of a motherless goat!" I growled, kicking as we rolled across the floor.
"That's enough!" Came a gruff yell as we were all pulled apart. "Sokka, Mogui, you're off the mission."
Sokka stood there shocked as Hahn made his pompous commands. I spat some blood from my split lip on his boots and smirked at his disgusted expression.
"All right, fall in, men!" Hahn ground out, trying to wipe the blood and spit from his boot subtly. "Everybody, listen to what I say, and we'll take out this Admiral Cho in no time."
Sokka growled and turned around quickly. "It's Admiral ZHAO!"
I put a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "Calm down. We shouldn't have lost our cool like that."
Sokka shrugged my hand off and grumbled as he picked up an axe, which he started to sharpen.

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