Back at the tree with Lexie

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I never really liked Sokka much anyways, but being with him in person was driving my head in...

After some time of just lying motionless in the clearing, daylight parted the clouds, and a group of people stumbled through. Three of them and a flying rat... I tried to look dead so that they would leave me, but I sneezed... They circled me, one with some sort of bone blade pressed against my chest. 

"What have we got here?" the boy in blue asked.

"Probably a dagger digging into my chest, by the looks of it," I answered back. "Do you mind not trying to kill me?"

"And why should I do that?" he replied. "Your people have killed hundreds of our people and all of Aang's!"

"Yeah, well, it wasn't me. So do you mind not making my death faster? I'd like to bleed out slowly and painfully..." I lifted my bloody hand and moved the blade off my chest, and attempted to stand up again, to collapse. Sitting up, I could then see the bloody patch of grass that had cradled my head.

"That's a lot of blood..." the girl stated, as concern filled her eyes. "Are you okay?" 

"Reminds me of that fellow back home that fell off a ten-story building. As he was falling, people on each floor kept hearing him say, 'So far, so good,'" I winked at her. "So far, so good."

She knelt beside me as the water danced around her hands. "I'm just going to wash the blood off so I can see how bad it is. How'd it happen?"

"I fell out of the tree... I think..." I shrugged. "I can move, I can talk, it's just standing that seems to be a problem for me... That and my memory is a black hole..."

"Wait, what were you doing in a tree?" The excitable bald kid asked, floating on a ball of air in front of me. "And why is your hair that colour? How'd you lose your memory?"

"Sorry, flyboy, but I have no idea... As I said... Memory is gone. And what do you mean, why is my hair this colour? It has always been this colour... Don't you have people with sandy coloured hair?"

The other two shook their heads, no. Huh...weird.

"Perfect cover story..." The eldest of the three said, eyeing me suspiciously and pointing that bone boomerang thing at me again. "But I'm not buying it, Fire-dude!"

"And I'm not trying to sell it. Wanna buy a watch?"

I swear I saw his eyebrow twitch and a few blood vessels pop in his brain. 

"Oh, my bad. You don't know what a watch is..." I looked down at my wrist. It was gone... Damn... Oh well... I pulled a long blade of grass out and began to chew it. "So, what can I help you with? Or are you gonna let me go back to dying?"

By now, the girl had finished washing the blood out of my hair and was digging through her pouch for something. She pulled out some bandages and proceeded to wrap them around my head. 

"So what's your name?" she asked, ignoring the elder boy's suspicious glares.

"Well, that's one of the things I don't know... You got a good name for me?"

The eldest's eyes narrowed. "How about Mogui? Fits you, Fire demon." 

He spat it like a curse

"Sokka!" The girl yelled. "Don't be so rude!"

"Eh, I'm used to it... Hakuna Matata and all that," I said. "So I'm now Mogui? Sounds great. You're Aang, I'm guessing," I pointed at the funny little monk, then the boomerang guy. "You're Sokka, and... I didn't catch your name, and I can't just call you beautiful for the rest of my life... I don't think Sokka likes it..."

"Uh...It's Katara..." she responded, blushing faintly.

"Well, Katara, It's nice to meet you," I held out my hand. "I'm Mogui." 

I smiled slightly then noticed a giant haystack with legs. "And what is that?"

"That's Appa, my Flying Air Bison," Aang said excitedly.

I almost fainted again. "Okay... it's big... What are you planning on doing with me? Now that I'm your prisoner..."

"That's right; you are our prisoner..." Sokka gloated. "Get me some rope. We'll bind his hands together. We'll leave him here and continue to the north pole."

"Sounds great," I said. "Hang me by my hands under Appa as you fly. I mean, you can't leave me here to be picked up by whoever is chasing you, now that I know where you are going... I might tell them, and then they head you off, you get killed on your journey, or worse, captured and tortured... Listen to me. The world is a mess, and I might be able to help you."

Sokka opened his mouth to argue, but Katara cut him off. "He's right, Aang. If we leave him here, then Zuko will find him and will be able to catch us again." 

Aang nodded solemnly in agreement.

"So, shall we go?" I pointed my now bound hands towards Appa. We climbed aboard and launched into the sky. 

"I hope Amaya is alright..." I mumbled to myself.

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