On the Fire Nation ship again.

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"What are you doing?" Zuko asked.
"Thinking," I responded, shrugging.
Zuko narrows his eyes. Oh, he is so fighting the urge to ask. But back to me. I'm currently wrestling with the intense desire to break out into song. What song? Well...
"WHAT'S ON THE MENU!" I randomly break out singing anyway. Zuko get's such a shock he actually jumped away. He didn't set me on fire, though. Progress! "IT COULD CEVICHE! IT'S STINKY! OoH, IT'S PumbA!"
"I have no idea."
Zuko sighs at me. "You're weird."
"So are you," I respond cheekily. "BUT! I still like you."
Zuko's cheeks turn a faint pink. "...What?"
"You ask that a lot."

Zuko sighs and turns to head back into his ship. "Why can't anything just be predictable!?"
"The only predictable thing in life is its unpredictability," I say, flopping down and staring at the cloudless sky. "Doesn't mean we have to like it, though..."
Zuko makes a huffing noise. "You're impossible!"
"Yes, but you still like me."
Zuko made a hasty escape after that. I don't think he likes arguing with me. I always win.

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