Near a certain volcano...

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We come charging through a rather picturesque looking village with a volcano in the background. There are some huge pointy rocks, which I realise must be the magma that cooled when Aang stopped it from demolishing the village. I thought it looked quite cool. Oh, and there was the usual screaming and running in all directions that greeted us as we went.
"Why are we stopping?" Zuko demands.
"Because the girl must have spent a lot of time here," June responds.
"We have no time for this!" Zuko snatches back the necklace and slides off the creature's back. I put my hands on Iroh's shoulders to keep myself upright. Zuko holds the necklace up in front of the critter's nose, and it tries to whip him with its tongue. "Hey! Watch it!" He snaps at it.

Iroh and I start laughing at Zuko's expense. "Oh, look!" June cooes. "He likes you!"
"Care to hear your fortune, handsome?" The old lady asks Iroh, who smiles down at her.
"At my age, there is only really one big surprise left," Iroh responded kindly. "And I'd just as soon leave it a mystery."
"It wouldn't be a surprise if it wasn't a mystery." I point out. The woman looks at me with some surprise.
"There was another in our village, not long ago." She says slowly. "He too spoke with a wisdom beyond his years and had hair similar in colour to yours."
"Oh, cool," I say, barely containing my excitement. "I'm assuming he's not here anymore, right?"

The woman nodded. Zuko climbed back on, this time leaving me sandwiched between him and Iroh. I'm somewhat grateful for that since June decides that now would be a great time to make the silly mole thing rear up. It charged off, and I managed to get out a quick thanks to Aunt Wu, without dropping her name, of course, before we're jumping through the trees again.

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