Somewhere far away...

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"OUT DAMN SPOT!" I growled as I viciously attacked a stain on my pants. I was sitting on the deck with a bucket in front of me, in Zuko's clothes. The guy was the smallest here, everyone else either a mountain or fat, and so far as I knew, Iroh 'borrowed' them without letting Zuko know. THAT was a fun conversation I hoped to avoid. For today anyway. "Dang it, this stuff is huge!"
"What stuff?"
"Ack!" I jumped, splashing soapy water onto myself. "Dang it."
"Where did you get those?"
"You know, it's not as funny when it happens to me."
Zuko gave an irritated growl. "Do you think you're funny?"
"I think I'm adorable."

He ran a hand over his face. "What are you doing?"
"Washing my clothes," I waterbent the water out of well... Zuko's....pants and back into the bucket. "While wearing yours."
Zuko's cheeks turned a faint pink. "...What?"
"I couldn't wander around butt naked, now could I? Don't answer that. There's no safe answer," I lifted my clothes out of the bucket. "It's not working, though. They're utterly ruined."
"Then keep those."

I gave him my best, 'are you kidding me?' face.
"Dude," I stood up and did a clumsy twirl. "This stuff is huge. It fits you fine, but I'm little. Remember?"
A real smile came to Zuko's face, and he chuckled a little while shaking his head. "You are very small."
"Thanks, I hadn't noticed," I responded dryly.
"We should head out to the market today," Iroh said, stepping out to see us.
"TRAITOR!" I accused, pointing at Iroh. "You said he knew I was borrowing them! Now I not only look silly, but foolish too!"
"Never!" Iroh chuckled heartily. "But those are most certainly much too large for one as small as yourself."

I sighed and plopped back in front of the bucket.
"Prince Zuko, would you care to join Amaya and myself as we find something more suitable for her to wear?"
I blinked and looked up. "Can it be red? I like red."
Iroh chuckled. "It could even be pink."
"Ew... no thank you..."

After wandering around, we eventually found someone who would sell us clothes. The outfit I ended up with was a pair of black pants with those little slipper things these women were so fond of wearing. My feet were of huge fascination to everyone who kept cooing about how beautiful and small they were. Yeah, I know. Stop touching them; it tickles. Anyway, for the top, I got this qipao thing that came down to my knees and was black with red floral and flame designs along the edges. It was sleeveless, so I managed to convince Zuko that the fingerless gloves were necessary. I admit, saying 'it will look cool' isn't the best argument, but when I mentioned I felt naked with my arms so exposed, he seemed to give in. Weird, but whatever. So yeah. I also learned from one of the local girls - who were only too happy to help - how to put my hair into a bun. I now officially looked badass, and no one would even think I might be a waterbender. As we returned to the ship, I remembered that sooner or later, Zhao would turn up and take the crew. I needed to figure out what it was that I planned to do about everything after that.

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