Still out at sea... ugh...

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"Ooo...." I was staring up at a beautiful blue sky, not a cloud in sight. "Isn't that different! A flock of squawking birds!"
"Now now, Amaya." Iroh laughed. "There's no need for sarcasm. Come, let us practise your flute. You are getting better each passing day."
"That's because there's nothing to do but practice," I said, rolling my eyes but smiling anyway. Iroh laughed heartily, then stopped and took a deep breath.

His face became serious. "There is a storm coming. A big one."
"You're outta your mind, Uncle." Zuko snapped. "The weather's perfect, not a cloud in sight."
"Something's coming!" I said dramatically. "I can feel it!" I paused, their eyes on me. I glanced down at my stomach and clutched it. "In my belly!" I whispered. Iroh burst out laughing while Zuko slammed his hand to his forehead.

"We're trying to have a serious conversation over here!" He growled.
"Oh, so am I." My face switched from dramatic to serious. "And I'm failing, and I'm sorry. It's just that some silly teenager is arguing with one of the greatest generals who ever lived about something that he most definitely has no knowledge of."
He growled again, his fist catching on fire. Well, they were on fire until some water dunked him. "Be a good sport and fetch us some tea, kiddo."
Iroh shook his head at us. "Now, now Amaya. Practice your flute. I want you to play for us on music night." I stuck my tongue out at the two firebenders before wandering off, humming a tune to myself.

I didn't get far before - "The safety of the crew doesn't matter!"
Me and one of the crew guys paused and turned to stare at Zuko. He had a sheepish expression for a split second as he turned to look at us, but it quickly went back to that arrogant expression I loved to annoy.
"Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety." He growled, coming right into the guy's face.
"Can't catch him if we're all dead, though," I said, shrugging before wandering off.

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