Next day, in the North Pole...

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Everyone went off to do their own things. Aang and Katara were off to learn waterbending. Sokka was probably off chasing Yue again. Me? I was chilling with Momo.

"So, I noticed some short fur in my pack this morning." Momo made a curious noise, tipping his head at me. "Not that I like to make accusations. And I even appreciate the artistry behind a good burgle when I see it, to tell the truth. But leaving all that fur as evidence? Sloppy." Momo made excited chattering noises before flying off and then returning with a fruit. "I'll take that as an apology." He made more chattery noises and flew in a circle above my head. "I'm so glad you're pleased. It really is quite something to find such enthusiasm in one's companions." He jumped up and down, and I snorted at his antics, taking a bite out of the fruit. "I agree. Go, team. Hurrah."

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