Back up in the ice kingdom

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"So... Tonight... You nervous?" I said as Sokka finished telling me of his trip with Yue...

"Nervous? Me? We just spent a couple of months living together, and you think I'm nervous?" He replied with a fake chuckle. It was all he could do not to eat his fingers off... He was as nervous as a sheep in a shearing shed... He held up a rather weird looking bear thing, which he insisted was a fish. "I carved it for her. Do you think she'll like it?"

"It's the thought that counts," I shrugged. 

I had a sudden feeling like a stone had been dropped in my stomach, and I sat up straight.

"Mogui? What's wrong?"

"I...I don't know... but...You're going to be late," I closed my eyes, and in the back of my mind, an explosion and Fire Nation ship play over. Someone screaming, and someone calling out "Zuko!" My eyes snapped open, and I stood there frozen. "Amaya...?"

Hours passed as I sat there, trapped in my own anxiety. Eventually, the others all come back, all looking down. 

"So... how's training?"

Katara and Aang huffed and groaned, respectively.
"Can you believe they forbid women from learning waterbending!?" Katara rants.

"Well, that seems sexist," I responded, raising an eyebrow as I scratched Momo behind the ear.

Not even a few moments later, Sokka came in looking annoyed, confused, and upset. "Dude..."

"How's warrior training going?" Katara asked, pretty much oblivious.

He made several annoyed noises and kicked his pack before flopping down onto it.

"That bad?" Aang questioned.

"No, it's Princess Yue," Sokka groaned.

"What happened?" I asked, looking genuinely confused. "I thought she was into you?"

"So did I!" Sokka said a little shrilly. "I don't get it! One minute she wants to go out with me, and the next, she's telling me to get lost!"

"That's rough, buddy," I said, rubbing Momo's head.

Sokka looked at the others and noticed that they were looking a little down. "So, how's Waterbending Training?"

Katara flopped down, and her hood flicked over her head as a muffled groan came from within.

"Master Poophead won't teach her cause she's a girl!" Aang said childishly.

"Why don't you just teach her, Aang?" Sokka asked, and I agreed with his tone. It seemed like an obvious answer to me.

"Why didn't I think of that!?" Katara asked, her face lighting up as she flipped the hood back. 

She got to her feet and looked over at Aang. "At night, you can teach me whatever you've learned from Master Pakku! That way, you have someone to practice with, and I get to learn waterbending! Everyone's happy!"

"I'm not happy," Sokka grumped.

"But you're never happy!" Katara retorted.

"Ouch...harsh..." I said, cringing as Katara and Aang leave.

"So...earlier, you went really weird all of a sudden," Sokka said, shifting to get comfortable. "What was that about?"

"Not sure. I think something happened to Amaya..." I looked around to make sure it was just us two. I didn't want to worry the others. "I think someone attacked Zuko's ship. I had a ... vision? Something like it anyway, and in it, I saw Zuko's ship explode, someone screaming, and then someone shouting, "Zuko!" It was all bizarre."
I looked down at Momo. "I hope it's just an overactive imagination and that she's actually just fine, but I can't shake the feeling that something bad is coming."

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