On a beach somewhere distant...

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I stepped from the darkness. Amaya sat in front of me veiled by a weeping willow, her dark honey blonde hair falling down her back in a loose braid. She glanced up, her hazel eyes dancing with amusement as they locked with mine. She raised a finger and beckoned me closer. 'There you are!' Her mouth didn't move except to smile, but I heard the words nonetheless. 'Hey, don't tell me you've forgotten me!'
"What? No, you're Amaya."
She gave a smaller, sadder smile. 'You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me.' She jumped up and started getting pulled into the darkness, one hand reaching out to me. 'Remember who you are, Lexie! she whispered as she dissolved into flames.

So, I was catching some z's, right? When out of nowhere, Momo jumps on my face. I can't help blasting a random burst of fire from my fist before holding them up to look around with bleary eyes. I see Sokka sitting up, his eyes half-closed with his boomerang in one hand and a knife in the other.
"Huh!? What's going on!" His voice is groggy. Yup, Momo jumped him too. "Did we get captured again!?"
"It's nothing!" Aang quickly responds, trying to calm us all. He looks kinda freaked out.
"You sure, Lil man?" I question, stretching out a kink in my back.
"I just had a bad dream..." Aang assures, rolling over, so his back was to us. "Go back to sleep.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Sokka yawns, curling up to sleep again.
"That's all they are, mate, don't worry about it." I yawn, leaning back against Appa.

"Are you alright, Aang?" Katara questions.
"I'm alright." He reaffirms.
"You've been having a lot of nightmares lately. Wanna tell me about it?"
"I think I just need some rest."
"Hey, don't bottle it all up, ok, Lil bro? We're here for you." I tell him, my face dead serious.
"Thanks, Mogui," Aang responds. Katara sends Aang one last concerned look before curling up to sleep again.

After that, we slept pretty solidly right through till morning. While packing up our little camp, Aang was tying the reins to Appa's horns.
"Look at those clear skies, buddy!" Wow, Aang sure is feeling chipper this morning. "Should be some smooth flying."
"Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market," Katara said, turning our supply bag upside down. "Because we're out of food." Momo started to snatch up the crumbs that were falling from the bag.
"Guys, wait," Sokka warns. "This was in my dream. We shouldn't go to the market."
"Let me guess...." I say. "Momo was talking, and the food started to eat people...."
"Yeah... How did you know?" he turned to Momo. "You said some very unkind things...."
"Oh, go knit it, Sokka," I say back to him.
"Wow, Mogui, someone OBVIOUSLY woke up on the wrong side of the bison." Sokka poked my ribs with a stick. Smart, it's harder for me to get him if he's out of my reach.

"Yeah, something wrong, Mogui?" Katara's eyes are full of concern. Aang looks over at me, and for a split second, I imagine those playful brown eyes with more green in them. I blink and shake my head.
"Nah, just a weird dream."
Katara pulled a face at us. "You guys must've eaten something bad cause I haven't had any weird dreams."
"Count your lucky stars then," I respond airly.

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