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A Druid fell to the ground like a rag doll as four figures of different shapes, sizes, and specimen stood outside on a ship in the middle of the galra empire head quarters in the cold air of space.

"You fool!" The Prince of his empire snarled as he stepped forward and a large hybrid galra woman held her fellow general, who was human, back.

"What?" The human turned to her.

"He needs to do this," she whispered.

"He'll die! He can't do it on his own," the man started to panic as he tried pulling away but her grip was stronger.

"I declare marmora," the half galra man snarled and the emperor nodded.

"When you die your generals shall suffer greatly," a smile almost crawled onto the cruel mans face but the Prince couldn't tell either way but rage filled him knowing two generals where watching.

"Blades," they stepped to each other and held a sword at each other's throats close enough for the cold metal of each blade.


Lance gasped bolting from his bed as a scream ripped from his sore throat and tears raced down his tan face.

"Lance?!" A voice cried out as his door was opened quickly while Lance was sobbing and yelling frantically getting blankets off him feeling caged in.

"Lotor?! What did you d-do to him? Please where is he?! What did you do to Lotor! W-we have to help him!" Lance screamed frantically as hands grabbed his wrist and Lance closed his eyes tightly yelling.

"Lance he's okay, your okay, shh Lance please," the woman's voice whispered as some people crowded at the door hearing trouble but only saw Ezor and Lance in the room as he was fighting her.

"It was a nightmare again," Zethrid sighed hugging her body as she hung around at the door seeing Ezor hug Lance around his chest as she laid in bed with him to comfort.

"It was only you and Lance and Lotor, what happened out there that does this to someone?" Shiro whispered closing the door hearing lances soft sobs.

"Is this normal?" Allura asked gently crossing her arms. "Lotor won the fight so why..."

"You don't want to know, there was no way of telling who was going to win that fight," Zethrid growled to herself.

"Is he out yet?" Shiro, Zethrid, and Allura jumped as Lance opened the door as he hugged his blanket around his shoulders and he looked to tired to even stand.

"No, tomorrow he should be though," Allura smiled at him gently but he didn't smile back.

"Okay," he walked away down the halls to the pod room but no one stopped him.

"He hasn't been this down in a while," Ezor walked out worriedly.

"Why was he last time?" Shiro asked.

"Last time he's cried this hard was when he came back to us, but Lotor was there for him," she put a hand on her hip watching Lance turn the corner.

"Is there anything we can do?" Allura asked wide eyes.

"No, we got it," Ezor walked away as Zethrid followed her to the room.

Lance stood in front of a pod as he had bandages around his neck from cuts but his whole neck was yellow and black from bruises of where zarkon once tried to squeeze the life out of him. His arm and hand where wrapped as well from being sprained and he had a concussion, otherwise those where his worst wounds.

But Lotor was in a pod still for a week now, the gash on his forehead was healed as well as his broken bones and slices that zarkon got on him. But zarkon was no more... He just needed to wake up now, he was mostly healed except for bruises.

"Come back tomorrow please," Lance touched the cold glass with tears in his eyes as he stared at Lotors relaxed face.

"He'll be okay, he always is," Zethrid stood next to him as Ezor wrapped her arms around him smiling gently.

"We won, we'll all be okay," Ezor kissed his cheek as Acxa watched her little family from the door frame all together as she stayed silent and calm looking at the four of the remaining.

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