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    I can't see anything because of the hood over my head but I'm cold. Freezing. I can feel several bodies beside me all shivering.
How the hell did this happen? All I know is I was in the process of finding food in my favorite forest before a group of scary vampires attacked me, tying me up and covering my head.
    Terrified, I heard them talking about selling my body out before the door bursted open and the sound of gunshots and fighting could be heard. A fellow hybrid cried in fear beside me. Also kidnapped.
     As much as I wanted to comfort them, I couldn't. I was too scared myself. I'm good being alone but I've never been in a situation like this before.
     The new men-vampires-grabbed us and forced us into another vehicle, stopping hours later at our final destination. I know we're going to die. There's no way we are being brought into a vampire's compound and surviving. Not possible.
    I tense as my hood is jerked off and I can finally see. I'm in a cage with three others. I recognize one of the other hybrids. He's a wolf like me.
     "K-Kookie?" I gasp. His lip is cut and he looks hurt.
     His eyes widen at the sight of me. "Hoseokie? H-how did..."
     I shake my head. "I was looking for food. They attacked me out of nowhere." I explain quietly. My eyes fall on the other two. Obviously feline with their swishing tails and cute little ears. A small blonde boy with a puffy tear streaked face and a hybrid around my age with light brown hair. Taller than me. He's holding the other.
     "I was l-leaving the convenience store. H-heading back to my m-master..." He shudders.
     My eyes widen. "When did you get a human master?" This is shocking. He's so young. Well, just a year under me but still. Mostly older hybrids are selected for such things.
     He bites his lip, looking nervous. "He found me playing with a rabbit in his yard and took me in. He w-was nice. I liked him." He looks sad.
     I pull him into a hug, feeling the other's eyes on us. "I'm Hoseok and this is Jungkook. Were you taken, too?" I ask them.
     The older nods. "I'm Jin. This is my little brother Jimin. We were actually trying to get healthcare from one of the small hybrid clinics when we were taken in the parking lot." He sighs. "Jimin is sick."   
     I eye the small boy. He doesn't look well. "What's wrong with him?" I ask.
     The boy in question speaks up. "Doesn't matter now. Going to die anyway." He sounds monotonous.
    Jin frowns. "Don't think like that, Minie."
     Kookie looks around. "I don't think they plan to give us checkups. He's probably right."
     I really don't want to think about that right now. As I look around our cage, the outer room door opens to reveal a very attractive obvious vampire in a blood red shirt and black slacks. His silver hair and bright blue eyes seem to glow fiercely.
He slowly approaches our cage, looking annoyed and disgusted. I huff in frustration. I honestly hate vampires because of their attitudes. They think us lower than dirt. It's not like we asked to be born like this!
The vampire eyes us, his gaze returning again and again to the two felines. Jimin whimpers in fear.
"My name is Kim Taehyung."
My eyes widen in shock. A Kim...one of the most powerful and dangerous of the supernatural world?
"H-he needs help." Jin whispers tearfully, desperation and hope in his eyes as he speaks.
The vampire-Taehyung-frowns, eyeing Jimin. "What's wrong with it?"
I narrow my eyes in anger. "He isn't an it!"
He swings his amused gaze to me. "Oh? Care to enlighten me?" He mocks softly.
Swallowing hard, I feel Kookie tighten his grip as everyone looks at me. "He's a boy." I mumble.
"He's a cat. A kitten, looks like. You're a wolf, correct? Living out in the wild like an animal, yes?" He smiles. "You hunt weaker animals and live mostly on plants. When humans see animals out in the wild...they address it as an 'it'. Same difference. Why does the truth offend you so much?" He smirks.
I huff in anger. "Are you going to kill us or let us go?" I demand.
He steps away from the bars. "Don't know yet. Might find a good use for you somewhere. Don't get many hybrids around here. Could use some more cute  submissive servants." He teases with a hint of seriousness.
We all look to him in shock. Vampires...keeping us as servants? The most powerful dangerous beings on the planet who hate us...want us to serve them? Like slaves?!
The vampire's eyes move back to Jin and Jimin. He opens the cage. "Come on. I'll have our physician check on the kid." He sighs.
Jin looks at him in shock and hope as he helps his brother stand and they slowly get out of the cage. Kookie and I remain as the door is locked and with a smirk, Taehyung leads the two felines out of the room.
"Do you think they'll really help them?" He asks me quietly, wrapping his arms around his legs.
"I don't know. Vampires can't be trusted but what choice do we have? I just hope he's telling the truth about not killing us." I whisper.
He nods. "D-do you think they'll want to sell us like the other ones?"
I bite my lip, anxious. "I don't know, Kookie."

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