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     The drive back to the compound is quiet as I try to formulate how this dinner is going to go down. I glance at Hoseok from the corner of my eye to see him looking down the whole way.
     Once back, I turn off the car and turn to face him. "Tonight is very important, Hoseok."
     He nods slowly, still looking down.
     "I'm going to be mean to you. I'm going to most likely degrade you and hurt your feelings. I have to." I admit, not liking the thought of it but knowing it has to be done.
      He looks up to meet my gaze, his expression serious and grim. "I u-understand."
      Nodding, I get out and he follows as I don't wait for him and begin walking inside. All is quiet as we head back to our bedroom to get ready.
      Taehyung is nowhere to be found. Probably off creating chaos and trying to ruin my life. I grip Hoseok's hand tightly as soon as the door closes and I lock it for good measure. Sighing, I pull him into my arms and just breathe him in.
      He shivers as my lips lightly skim his throat. "I'm sorry."
     His breath catches. "It's o-okay."
    My hands roam over his body before slowly pulling his shirt off. I watch hungrily as his nipples harden in the cool air as my fingers move to push down his pants and underwear.
      He bites down on his lip and steps out of them. Naked and beautiful before me, I have the urge to ravage him. Unfortunately, we don't have time.
     I kiss his plump pink lips before moving to the closet to find something for him to wear that is proper of his status and yet hides his baby bump. I frown at all the tight fitting uniforms in his closet. All will show his stomach.
      Groaning, I call in a trusted maid and demand her bring another pristine uniform a larger size. She quickly retrieves one then bows and leaves.
       I help him get dressed, checking every angle to make sure nothing is showing. To be on the safe side, however, I call the same maid to bring in a waist cincture.
      "I know this will probably hurt and be hard to breathe but I need you to endure it." I say as I pull it around him and jerk the back strings tightly, forcing his stomach in until it's much flatter.
     When I meet his gaze again, tears are filling his eyes. He takes sharp timed breaths. "I d-don't know if I can breathe normal in this." He admits as I get dressed in my own clothes for the evening.
      "You have to try and act as natural as possible. You will mostly be kneeling at my feet all night, to be honest. Much like the banquet we went to out of town." I remind him.
       He grimaced. "Okay."
      "This is very important. You life depends on this—Jimin and Jungkook's as well." I stress.
       He nods. "I can do it."
      A knock comes to the door. "The council member is here." Taehyung says through the door.
      I clench my fist. Fucking bastard. Should have drowned him at birth. "Coming." I look back at Hoseok. "It will be over soon, Alright?"
       He nods, dropping his gaze. "Yes, master."
       "Do not speak unless I command you to down there, okay? If I tell you do something you did it quickly and in silence unless otherwise told. Do not look up at the council member. You are just a disgusting animal to him. Do not show any expression except respect and reverence to me no matter what I do or say. You are my toy and my servant. I spared your life so you are indebted to me. Remember that." I remind him softly, trying not to make it quite so harsh but the paleness in his cheeks tells me it's all in vein.
       I open the door and begin down the hall. "Always follow me. Several steps behind me and not too close."
      He nods and does as told. We walk down the stairs and I plaster an arrogant smile on my face as the council member comes into views.      Fuck. I hate this guy. One of the most entitled vampires there are.
      "Welcome to my home. Can I offer you a drink before dinner?" I ask, ever the gracious host. "A feeding? Anything for the grand council."
       He smiles back, clapping my shoulder. His entitled posture proper and direct as his eyes glaze over Hoseok.
He tilts his head in interest. "Hm. I can certainly see why there would be rumors, Kim. He's rather...scrumptious looking, isn't he?" His eyes turn sharp. "You, mutt—look at me."
Hoseok shudders and slowly brings his gaze to the council member. I can practically taste his fear. I keep my posture loose and unminding as he demands the hybrid to stand before him.
He tsks. "A little fat, though. Perhaps he should skip the meal tonight." He muses.
A smirk on my lips—a rumbling rage on the inside—I laugh. "I think you're right. He might be worth a scrap or two, though. He needs to keep his energy up to work properly."
He chuckles. "Yes." He looks around. "Where is Taehyung and his hybrid? Shouldn't they be down soon?"
      As soon as the words leave his mouth, the devil himself walks out from the shadows followed behind by his limping sallow looking hybrid. My eyes widen in disgust at the bruises and cuts that mar his visible skin under the uniform. He looks sick.
      I glare at Taehyung who only looks back with disinterest. Smiling calmly at the council member. "Good to see you again, Lu."
      I frown. "Again? I was unaware of a previous meeting. Perhaps you could fill me in while we wait for our meal?" I offer, waving them into the dinning area.
     Lu chuckles. "Taehyung and I have a bit of a history, if you will. It's been quite a while since I've last seen him but when I was most memorable."
       Taehyung winks at me as he sits down and puts a hand on his hybrid's shoulder, forcibly shoving him to the floor.
      The hybrid is clearly in a lot of pain but doesn't utter a sound of distress or a whimper as he lowers his head and shivers on his knees. The sight makes me sick.
      I motion Hoseok to the floor and he falls to his knees much like the feline, looking down and waiting. The maids bring out a lavish meal with chalices or rich fresh blood and wine. None for the hybrids.
       "So please, tell me what has the council so worried about our...attentions, you could say?" I begin after we start eating.
       Lu nods. "Honestly, I couldn't believe it when it was proposed to us but as per required by law we have to do a thorough investigation. I thought it much a ridiculous notion but I volunteered to come mostly to catch up with my old friend." He chuckles looking at Taehyung who smirks.
      "It's good to see you again. Perhaps after dinner we could grab a drink at the bar?" He offers.
      Lu's eyes light up. "I'd very much enjoy that."
      I sit back and try to figure out Taehyung's game. Why is he trying to get close to the council member. It's obvious they were past lovers—which I didn't fucking know about—but what is he trying to gain by seducing him now.
      I don't like this.
     "So, requested by the council, I must examine things thoroughly and ask questions. Do you feed from the hybrids?" He asks casually, his eyes lingering on my own.
      I laugh menacingly. "Only if he misbehaves. A punishment. I make it hurt."
      He smiles. "Mhm. I see. We've come to notice hybrids do not like a vampire's bite. It's a nice way to keep control of them." 
      He looks back at Taehyung. "And you?"
      The smirk on his face grows more pronounced. "I do. He likes to rebel but as you know—I like breaking them."
       I feel Hoseok tense beside me and wonder just kind of tortures the poor feline has to endure. Taehyung's cruelty is truly unfounded.
      We answer all the questions and it seems to be going very well. Dinner wraps ups and we walk into the foyer. Lu orders the hybrids to stand up straight so he can inspect them.
      "What exactly are you looking for?" I ask casually, curiously.
      He hums. "Different things. Signs of vampires pampering their hybrids, of making them lovers. Some marks on their bodies can be very telling to how they are treated by their master's." He explains.
      I stop breathing as he begins to move about Hoseok's clothing. Shit. What if he finds the cincture? To the hybrid's credit, he doesn't flinch or move. Simply stands stock still and allows him to be objectified and examined.
       Just as Lu reaches for the bottom of Hoseok's shirt—the feline beside him collapses onto the ground with a whimper. Lu steps back in surprise and I breathe a sigh of relief.
       He looks back at me. "I believe it's as I suspected. Perhaps a jealous rival called you in. There is obviously nothing nefarious going on here. You may go if you wish, I know you're busy. I'll finish up with Taehyung and take my leave."
      Nodding, I give a side glance to my brother as he glares at his hybrid on the floor, coughing up what looks like blood. I detest a silent cry from Hoseok and quickly order him to follow me out of the room.
      "Thank you for your quick service, Lu. You're welcome here anytime and goodnight." I call pleasantly and he waves me off.
      Once we're back in the room, Hoseok breaks down into loud sobs. He struggles to remove the cincture as he cries, unable to breathe.
      I quickly remove it and he lets out a loud gasp. "H-how can he treat Jin like that?! He doesn't deserve it! He's going to kill him!" He sobs.
      I pull him into my arms and try to shush him. "You have to calm down. He might hear you. Go lay down. There's nothing we can do for your friend right now. I'm sorry."
      "He's evil!"
      I sigh, stripping him of the uniform, forcing him into my bed and covering him up. "Shh. You have to be quiet. Just be glad that isn't you right now." It's messed up but true. We got off very easy tonight. It makes me uneasy. Taehyung is up to something for sure.

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