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I wake up with Jimin snuggled in my arms and Yoongi sitting up in bed playing with Yoon-Jae. Smiling, I sit up and stretch, careful not to wake the feline as I admire our mate being a wonderful appa.
He doesn't look away from the baby. "How are you feeling? Are you still sore?" He asks.
"I think I'm okay. A little sore but nothing too bad." I whisper, leaning onto his back and looking down at our beautiful little boy. "He's so pretty and strong." I say, awed.
Yoongi smiles. "Just like his parents."
Chuckling, I run my hand through Jimin's soft hair, his little snores and large tummy making me soft. "I really hope everything goes okay with him."
He glances down at Jimin as well. "Me, too. I trust Jackson and Mark but I am still worried. Jimin is a lot more fragile than you. I'm not saying he isn't strong and can't handle it but I'm worried just the same." He admits, sighing and handing Yoon-Jae over to me.
Cooing to the baby boy, I pull my baggy shirt down a little and allow the child to latch onto my nipple, his little gums biting down cutely.
I blush when I look up to see Yoongi watching me. "W-What?"
  "Nothing. Just admiring perfection."
      Scoffing, I shake my head. "Then look at Jimin."
      Smiling widely, he nods. "I'm looking at you both."
       I fill with pride and love as he slowly tilts my head up, kissing me softly for a few moments before trailing his lips down to my throat.
       "Mhm, Yoon-Jae knows what's good. I think I'm hungry, too." He rasps.
      I clench my thighs together and sigh as he sinks his teeth into my neck. Now I'm feeding both my loves in different ways. I feel so complete.
     "Yes, love?"
     I beam at the endearment. "Are we going to be okay? With the council and...and Taehyung?"
      He sighs and licks the mark he's made on my throat. "I don't know. I'm trusting in Namjoon to think of a solution. His mate is on the line, too."
      I gasp, scaring little Yoon-Jae. He whines sleepily so I bounce him a little until his eyes droop. "He mated Hoseok?! Really? Oh, I'm so happy for him!"
       He chuckles. "Yeah, it was rather...fast." He rolls his eyes. "They made a mess in my car so I made them clean it up."
       I laugh. "I thought you liked making messes." I tease flirtatiously.
      He chuckles, kissing my lips. "Mhm, only my loves's messes."
      I open my mouth to reply but Jimin's sudden gasp of pain sends us parting. He sits up and cries out loudly, holding his belly. Tears pooling in his eyes.
       "Ah! It h-hurts!"
      I look at Yoongi with concern as he immediately pulls out his phone to call the doctors. "It'll be okay, Minie. We're here. Everything will be fine." I try to reassure as he jerks in pain.
      He chokes out a sob. "I'm s-scared, Kookie." He grips my hand, his eyes focusing on the baby in my arms. "You really think I can do this?"
       I smile and wipe his tears. "It's painful but completely worth it. When it's over you won't think about the pain again. You'll focus all your energy on making sure your baby is safe and loved." I say.
       He looks to me with pure trust. "Okay. I love you, Kookie."
        I rub his belly as he grunts in pain, clenching his fists in the sheets. "Love you, too, kitten."
       Yoongi looks at us. "Kookie, baby, I need you to take the baby out of here. Go stay with Hoseok or Jin for now. Jackson and Mark are coming as fast as they can. I need to help get Jimin ready."
       Nodding, I look back at Jimin who looks terrified. I don't want to leave him but I understand it's for the best. I would just be in the way. I kiss his cheek and murmur more reassuring words before clutching my sleeping baby and walking out of the room.
      I knock on Hoseok's door.
      He answers right away, looking tired.
      I smile when I see his huge mating bite. "It's time. Jimin's in labor."
      He gasps and lets me inside. "What?! Oh my god! Another baby!" He gushes. I place Yoon-Jae on the bed before snuggling into Hoseok's arms as he turns on a movie to distract us from the coming stress. I have to believe everything will go okay.
       Sighing, I relax in his arms as Jimin's screaming and crying becomes louder and more pronounced. I tense up.
      "You were the same. He'll make it. He's a fighter, too."
      I nod. "What about you? It won't be long before your labor." I remind him.
      He groans. "Don't remind me! I'm scared but knowing that you made it and most likely Jimin will, too, makes me feel better. I mean...look at little Yoon-Jae. It's all worth the pain and suffering, right?"
       I smile. "It is. I'm very happy."
      He sighs. "I'm more worried about Jin, to be honest."
      My smile slips. "Yeah. I feel so bad for him. He has the worst mate in existence."
      "Plus he's probably pregnant, too. I can't imagine carrying the baby of such a monster." We both shudder. "D-Do you think he raped him? He obviously abused him and probably forced his mating."
       I frown. "I just don't see why the vampire would bother to force a mating with a hybrid. Especially one such as Kim Taehyung. Doesn't make sense."
      He nods, sighing. His gaze falling back on my baby. "I just hope everything can be resolved and he never has to see the sadistic ass again."
       I agree but have a feeling that nothing will be that simple. Kim Taehyung doesn't strike me as the type to just let go of something he deems is his. I think it would be nearly impossible for Jin to escape the vampire now.
       And if something happened to his precious hyung, Jimin would never get over it. It would kill him to lose him. God, I hope none of us have to see that crazy vampire again.

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