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    Smirking, I watch the two drunkards stumble to their respective rooms while sipping my own blood tonic. Nonalcoholic, of course. I'm not as stupid or hotheaded as those two.
     I wink at the bartender who only rolls his eyes, very used to and done with our shit.
     Finishing my drink, I stretch and make my way back to the room. Frowning when I can't find my little kitten anywhere.
     Tsking, I sigh and walk back down towards the only other place he could be. The clinic.
     And I would be right. Ducking inside, I see him curled up and sleeping beside his younger sibling. Silently, I pick him up in my arms and carry him back to the room, laying him out on the bed. My favorite red silk pajamas hanging off his body cutely.
I feel a little bad about scaring him so much before. Of course he isn't sleeping in that awful little drafty room. He'll sleep with me.
I adjust him under the blankets before changing into my own pajamas and slide in beside him. He must have been exhausted since he hadn't woke up once.
I close my eyes and stretch out, flinching in surprise when his smaller body curls around me, his leg thrown over my hip. Grinning, I study his peaceful and very beautiful face, his tail wrapped around himself and his cute little ears pressed to his head.
I reach out and caress his ear, smiling as it flexes and he moans quietly in his sleep. Interesting. Very sensitive there, I suppose.
     His eyes blink open and stare into mine. Tilting my head, I admire his pretty face, his lips especially catching my attention.
     He shyly looks away from me, ducking his head. "Sleep well, kitten?" I ask, still massaging his ears.  
     He blushes, nodding. "H-how did I get here?"
     "I carried you. You're too light, kitten. You need to eat more." I smile.
    He mumbles unintelligibly and I coo at him. Vampire or not, he's just too fucking cute. I wonder if his blood tastes as sweet as him? Tempting...
     "I'll go to my room..." he attempts to get up but I hold him still.
     "Stay. I like looking at you."
     His mouth drops open in shock, worry showing on his cute face. "But..."
     "Hm? It's fine. Go back to sleep."
     "I c-can't. Not with you staring at me." He whines, his tail thrashing behind him.
     I reach out and stroke it, feeling the softness. The same as his ears. He moans and buries his face in the pillows.
     Mhm. "Like that, kitten?"
     I tighten my grip and slowly massage up and down his tail, feeling his body jerk each time. Having a hunch, I peak under the blankets and smile. Just as I thought. My little kitten is hard. "Does it hurt?" I coo, not stopping between his ears and his tail.
     He whimpers, purring a little. God. "Answer me." I demand, my own voice rough and deep. Hungry.
     His eyes snap open and he silently pleads at me. Not a chance, sweet thing.
      "Don't make me ask you again." I growl.
     Whimpering, he rolls onto his back, attempting to make me stop. How cute. "P-please..."
      My hand releases his tail only to trail my fingers slowly down his clothed chest to his stomach. He pants, staring at the ceiling, looking a little panicked as I lift the hem of his shirt and circle a fingertip teasingly above his waistband.   
     "Dirty little kitty." I chuckle.
     He flushes red hot and covers his face, ashamed. "S-stop." Whining.
     "Tsk, tsk. Your mouth says stop but your little body begs me for more." I quickly force my hand down his waistband and grasp onto his erection. Wet. Soaking wet and hot. Fuck.
    "So wet." I hiss, pulling my hand out to show him my drenched fingers, his precum dripping between them.
     His eyes widen in shock and he bites his lip, hiding his face in embarrassment.
    Smirking, I bring my hand to his face. "Lick them clean." I demand.
    He shudders, shaking his head. "No! Please."
    "Fucking lick them clean like the dirty little kitten you are or I'll have you lick something else." I threaten.  
     Crying softly, he opens his trembling lips and begins licking up and down my fingers, swallowing his own musky flavor. So hot.
    What a fun little play thing. After he's done, I notice his pants have tightened further. "You like the taste?"
     He shakes his head frantically but I can tell it's a lie. I shove my hand back down his pants and stroke him tightly a few times making his back arch and cry out.
     While he's distracted with the pleasure, I trail my fingers lower past his balls and down to his tight little hole. Soaking. Wet. I realize too late that he's leaving a little puddle on the sheets. Holy fuck.
    A little too excited, I lift onto my knees and jerk his pants down his legs, tossing them behind me. He yelps and closes his legs, covering his cock with his hands.
    "Move them." I demand.
    He shakes his head. Sobbing.
    I glare down at him. "Have you forgotten who owns you, kitten? Your body is mine to do what I wish. Move your hands. Let me see." My arrogant tone has the desired effect.
     His trembling hands slowly move from his privates, revealing his hard leaking cock, throbbing and red.
     "Pretty kitten. Open your legs." I lick my lips, wanting-no, fucking needing-to see what he's trying to keep from me.
     I tap his thigh when he doesn't move. Sniffling, chest heaving, he slowly spreads his legs, his tail coming up between his thighs to hide him from me.
     Scoffing, I slap my palms onto his inner thighs and force them apart, spreading them wide and leaving pretty red handprints on his pale skin. Art.
     He cries harder as I grasp his tail and pull it away. Finally revealing what I want. So pretty. His little pink hole clenches as succulent nectar oozes down his parted cheeks.
     I spend a long time just admiring the view as he continues trying to close his legs. Smiling, I run a fingertip across the mess on his little hole making his entire body jerk.
     "Such a dirty little kitten, hm. So wet for a vampire?" I bare my teeth at the lovely sight before me. "Tell me, love....ever had anything inside here, hm?" I tap on his hole gently.
     He shakes his head, clenching his eyes shut. "Please...d-don't..."
     "Shhh...am I hurting you?" I ask expectantly.
     He hesitates.
     "Am. I. Hurting. You." I tap his hole with each word, rubbing his slick around.
     "Am I making you feel good?"
     "Answer me!" I demand, my eyes flashing, making him flinch.
     "Yes!" He sobs.
     "Ooh my kitten, master is going to make you feel the best you've ever felt in your entire life. You will beg me for more." I sigh, massaging his thighs as he attempts to cover himself again.
     "I'm s-scared. I don't w-want this." He cries.
     "Baby, we can't all get what we want. But then again..." I continue to tease around his hole, spreading his cheeks wide apart. Thirst beginning to consume me. "Unfortunately for you...I always do."

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