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I'm so tired and my knees are hurting. I glance up at my master as he socializes with other powerful vampires. I am the only hybrid in the room. I'm the only non vampire in the room and all of them look at me with mild interest or disgust. Mostly the latter.
Why did he bring me here? Just to make me feel like crap about myself? For the last two hours, he's demanded me to kneel by his side in silence and hold his drink.
I'm so bored. I miss Jungkook and the others. Why couldn't I just stay locked back in my room or something. Is he trying to make a point by holding his power over me before everyone else? I mean...don't they look down on other vampires owning hybrids? I thought it was a bad thing...and yet...
I hold back my pitiful expression and try not to feel so sorry for myself. I could be on the street right now or in the wild again trying to survive. Believe it or not just because I'm a hybrid I'm not an expert hunter. It was hard to live out in the open.
"What a lovely little...thing, you have brought Namjoon."
I glance up to see a beautiful female vampire wrinkling her nose in disgust in my direction.
He tilts his head. "Good evening, Taeyeon. How's your father?" He smiles. It's wicked and scary.
She huffs. "Dead, no thanks to you and your brother."
He chuckles and sips from his glass. "Ah Yes. I do believe that's what double crossing will get you. Tell me, did he truly believe he had a chance?"
Her glare is fiery but she still manages to smile. "I'm not sure what he thought, we weren't that close. Hadn't seen him for centuries, actually." She leans in closer to him, her hand resting on his arm. "Tell me, Namjoon-ah...how is the mate search going?"
      Mate search?!
"Excellent. I heard yours dropped you." He smirks and I have to lower my head to hide my smile.
She gasps in outrage. "Pardon me but I was not 'dropped' as you like to say. We merely disagreed on our arrangement and chose to go in different directions."
He nods solemnly. "Ah, so Seungri grew a pair of balls and ran before your crazy ass got your hooks stuck in him? Smart man."
She gapes at him for a long moment before straightening up and glaring down at me. "You should remove your dog from these such events. It's very inappropriate."
He rolls his eyes and places his hand on my head. "I do believe the only dog in this room happens to be you. Please remove yourself from my sight before you end up like your father."
She pales before cursing and disappearing out of sight. I let my shoulders drop and try to subtly readjust myself on the floor.
"I'm bored. Why don't we get out of here?" He mutters under his breath to me.
I look up at him and nod. "Yes, master."
He chuckles darkly at my reply and stands up, finishing his drink before handing it off to a server. He helps me up and I follow him out of the room, head down. It's hard to ignore the hostility towards me but I know Namjoon won't let them hurt me. I just feel it.

He takes me back to the lavish hotel room and sits on the edge of the bed, removing his tie with a tired expression. "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten all day." He chimes.
I sit on the chair beside the door and nod, ashamed as my stomach lets out a huge growl. "I'm sorry."
He frowns. "You are a living thing that needs sustenance. Why are you apologizing?"
"I d-don't know. I guess I don't want to trouble you."
He nods and picks up the phone, ordering me a full menu of food. My mouth waters at all the fancy options to come but I keep my poker face on.
"You did well tonight." He says, looking at my face.
"Thank you, master."
     He stares at me for a long moment. "I have to go back to finish a few meetings. You can call your friends if you'd like." He offers, tossing his phone to me.
      My mouth drops open a little at the kind gesture but before I can say thank you to him again he walks out of the room, reminding me to eat.
      Biting my lip, I smile and call Jungkook's master, Yoongi who thankfully lets me talk to him. We talk for a long until my food arrives. I feel so much better as the server rolls in my cart and leaves with a bow.
     I jump on the bed eagerly and begin digging in, practically starving. I eat almost everything before taking a bath and laying down. A little concerned as Namjoon has been gone for over three hours now and it's very late.
      I'm just about to doze off when the door opens to reveal a exhausted looking Namjoon with blood on his pristine white shirt. I sit up in shock, eyes wide as he shucks it off into the trash and heads into the bathroom without a word.
      Feeling conflicted I decidedly get up and walk into the bathroom, finding him bandaging up what looks like a stab wound.
     I gasp, making him turn to look at me. Blood is everywhere. "Master!" I run to his side and grab the wrap, trying to get a good look at his wound. It's bad.
     "What are you doing? You should be in bed." He sighs.
     I look up at him with determination. "I want to help you. Please."
      He snorts, leaning back against the sink. "Be my guest."
     I hesitantly disinfect the area before wrapping it up as best I can, careful not to hurt him but he never flinches. Not once.
     When I'm done, we both take a deep breath and he turns to splash water on his face. "C-can I ask what happened?" I whisper, feeling small.
     He looks at me through the mirror. "A small disagreement."
     "You got stabbed over a small disagreement?!" I gape.
      He laughs. "That's the world I live in, pup." He dries his hands and face before turning back to me. "Go to bed."
      I don't move. "D-do you need to feed?" I ask, a blush dusting my cheeks.
     The room is eerily silent for a long time until I'm forced to meet his gaze again. He crowds me against the bathroom door, slapping one palm above my head, trapping me.
     I lick my lips, trying not to think of him kissing me again. His eyes roam over my face to my body in fresh pajamas and back to my face once more. "You offering?"
      Swallowing hard, I nod. "Yes."
     He bends his head to my face and skims his lips over my jaw, tilting my head up to mouth against my throat. Gasping, I clench my fists, trying not to react as he bites down hard, lulling fresh blood from my body.
     I moan unconsciously and drop my head to the side. He growls low in his throat and presses his entire body against mine. I pant as he rubs against my growing erection and my hands grip onto his hips of their own volition.
      Closing my eyes, I moan a little louder as he deepens the bite, my knees weakening.
     He pulls away way too soon and stares into my hooded eyes. Full of need and lust. "M-more?" I whisper, not wanting it to be over just yet.
     A small smirk stretches his lips as he suddenly lifts me into his arms and carries me briskly to the bed. I gasp in surprise as he effortlessly tosses me on the bed despite his injuries and hovers over me.
     I immediately tilt my head for him and he reclaims his spot, biting me with more gusto and fire. I can't stop myself as I wrap my legs around him and arch my back.
      My harsh pants loud in my ears as his hands skim down my sides to clutch my ass. Shivering, I lock my fingers in his hair and he groans, licking the bite clean, before demanding my lips, kissing me with every ounce of power he seems to possess.
     I kiss him back desperately, wanting to be touched and kissed and wanted by my master. Vampire or not, I want him. "M-master..." I gasp.
     Our hips grind together as I tug on his hair, the taste of blood on our tongues as he owns my mouth.
     I'm gasping for air as he pulls away. Our eyes meeting as the heated moment cools down to a slow ember. He licks my bottom lip. "You've been very good for me this trip. Perhaps when we get back I'll give you the reward you want." He whispers.
     I whimper as he climbs off me, my erection throbbing painfully in my pants, my bottom wet with slick as I try to calm myself.
      As ashamed as I am, I really hope he's thinking the same reward I am. Him. Inside me. I feel like I'll go insane if I don't have that soon. Forbidden or not, I really hope he won't forever cruelly leave me like this.

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