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     "I said close your eyes!"
     "It burns!"
     "Damn it, kitten! Stop wiggling around!"
     "It's hot!"
     "Stop bitching before I give you a reason to bitch!"
      "It stings!"
      Taehyung growls in exasperation as he scrubs my hair and body viciously to remove the blood off my body. I'm sensitive and sore and still pretty much in shock over the whole rape then getting mated thing. It all happened so fast.
      I'm mated now.
     To a vampire.
      I'm mated to a vampire.
     Not just any vampire, either.
     Kim Taehyung. Holy shit.
     He's my mate and I'm most likely pregnant with his baby. Oh god. He just murdered another vampire for me.
     I blink up at him from under the spray and try to comprehend what this means. His hair is wet and water runs over his flawless naked body. So strong and muscular. His hands cleansing my body somewhat gently...at least for him.
      "Tae..." He also hasn't complained about me not calling him master yet. Hm.
      He meets my eyes, backing me against the wet tiles and taking my lips roughly. His kiss is so painful yet addicting.
     "I need to talk to Namjoon." He groans. "Fuck...all my planning." He slams his fist against the wall near my head as his lips trail down my throat. "It's all your fault, kitten. Fuck! What have you done to me, huh?" He slips his hand between my legs and rubs my cock before lifting my thigh high on his hip and thrusting against me.
      I grasp his biceps and moan, resting my head back against the wall. "Tae..."
      He brings my other leg up, lifting me up until I'm pinned against his strong body and the wall. I gasp as he bites down on my neck, feeding hungrily while forcing his cock up into my throbbing wet hole.
      I whine against his neck as I try to bounce myself up and down, his hands clenching my hips painfully tight but it's strangely reassuring. "Tae..."
      He pulls away, licking his lips. I watch as a drop of blood runs down the corner of his mouth. Without thinking, I grasp his face and lick it clean, moaning at the salty metallic taste. His eyes darken as he roughens his pace, pounding up into me until I'm screaming out a release and he fills me up.
       He groans. "Why the fuck do I like the way you say my name? I should be punishing you for that, kitten, and yet...yet...I like my name rolling off your tongue."
      I bite my lip, hiding a smile as he slowly lets me drop to my feet. "I l-like calling you Tae, too."
      He turns off the water and wraps a towel around his hips before holding out his hand for me. I blink in surprise as he helps me out and begins toweling me off. He doesn't hit me, slander me, glare at me...who the hell is this? Certainly not my master...
      I open my mouth to speak but he presses a finger to my lips, stopping me.
      "Don't speak. I need to think of a new plan."
     I hesitate before carefully grasping his hand and squeezing it. "Can I help you?"
      He raises a brow. "Help me?"
     "Make a plan?"
     He laughs. "Why should I do that?"
     I straighten up, filling bold and slight confidence. "Because now I'm your mate. You can't just get rid of me so easily so you should listen to me."
      He scoffs but doesn't say anything against it.
      My smile widens. "Good. First we will get rid of the council member then you have to get Namjoon's help. We both know that he likes Hoseok more than he lets on. It's obvious. I think he will want to help us for himself."
      He sighs. "He hates me."
     "But he likes his hybrid and I think you hate him more than he hates you."
      He chuckles darkly. "He knows I've been sabotaging his whole life."
      My eyes widen. "Well maybe...maybe you could possibly work together and actually rebuild your brotherhood."  
     He looks at me with disgust. "Don't go too far, kitten."
      I glance over at the body still lying on the bed. "God...this is bad."
      He pulls me by the towel and forces me to straddle his lap. "Tae...why are you being nice to me? I'm so confused."
      He runs his hands over my body, jerking my towel down at the chest and pinching my nipples. I moan and clench my thighs around his body. "I don't fucking know. I'm suspecting it has to do with that fucking mating voodoo shit. I don't like it but the thought of doing something to hurt you...like before...seems painful to me." He groans. "I fucking hate it." He tugs on my nipples hard and I gasp, arching above him.
      He smirks. "Guess I'll just have to focus more on sexual torture to work out my anger issues, hm?"
      I open my mouth to retort a scathing reply when suddenly the bedroom door flies open and Namjoon and Hoseok busts into the room.
      I squeal and pull my towel back up while Namjoon growls at the body on the bed and rushes towards us. Hoseok jerks me out of Taehyung's arms as Namjoon attacks him, slamming him down onto the floor in seconds.
      "You fucking dumb son of a bitch! Do you know what you've done?!" He growls, punching Taehyung ruthlessly in the face.
      I bury my head into Hoseok's arms as he pulls me farther away from the fighting vampires. "W-What's going on?" I gasp.
      Hoseok looks at me with fear. "It's Jimin and Jungkook."
      I freeze. "What's wrong?"
     "Tae told the council about Yoongi's place. Jimin is very obviously pregnant and the council member saw him. He tried to kill him."
     My knees give out but Hoseok holds me up. "He's okay, right? He didn't get hurt, right?"
      He sighs. "Yoongi shot and killed him. It was close, though. Tae almost got Jimin killed and now two members from the council are missing. This is bad, Jin. Really bad. We're all in danger."
      I wail in fear, collapsing onto the floor with Hoseok as the two vampire try to kill each other. I close my eyes and tremble and fear. "I need to see Jimin." I plead.
      He holds me tightly. "We can't leave until they stop. We need them."
      Eventually the door opens to a disheveled and enraged Yoongi. He stomps over to the brothers and jerks them apart, shoving Namjoon before punching Taehyung.
      The only sound in the room is panting and grunting. "Listen you fucking idiots—I had to leave my pregnant mate for this shit. He's giving birth any second and could fucking die and yet I'm here." He kicks Taehyung. "You're such a fucking stupid fuck! What's wrong with you! You're lucky I don't fucking rip your throat out, bitch." He spits in rage.
      Tae gets up slowly, blood covering his face and body. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't realize all the shit going down over there with you. I had shit to take care of here."
      The three vampires look up to the bed with a grimace. "Fuck, Tae." Namjoon groans. "Why did you do this?"
      He scowls. "He thought he could fuck my kitten. He's mine and no one touches him." He bares his teeth and kisses.
      Both vampires tense. "Did you...mate him?" Yoongi asks, shocked.
      He nods defiantly making me blush.
     Hoseok gasps and looks at my throat. I'm surprised to see jealousy and sadness in his eyes. "Even Taehyung mates you but Namjoon never will...even though I'm pregnant." He whispers, clutching his belly.
      I gasp, reaching out to hold his little bump. "I'm probably pregnant, too." I whisper back.
      He smiles sadly. "How did we get in this mess?"
      I glance over at the distracted vampires bitching about body disposal. A sarcastic smile spreading across my face. "I guess we have that vampire charm."
      He snorts. "I'm hungry, are you hungry?"
     Biting my lip, I nod. "I could eat."
     He grabs my hand. "They will be busy awhile. Let's call Jimin and grab some food."
     I haven't felt this good in a long time despite the situation. Taehyung's had me so closed off from everything and everyone that I forgot what it's like for someone to worry or care about me. I sit on a barstool as Hoseok grabs a bunch of snacks. He slides me his phone. "I know Jimin really wants to see you. He's scared, Jin. He needs you."
      I smile, tearing up a little. "Yeah. I need him right now, too."

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