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  It takes a few hours to get rid of the bodies. I dragged the council member I shot into my trunk for Taehyung to help take care of, that fucking son of a bitch. Little did I know I'd have to help him get rid of another.
Fuck, we're in such deep shit. Two council members missing both having seen us last? We have to figure something out quickly.
I glare at Taehyung as he nurses his fucked up jaw courtesy of my fists. He scowls at everything, while clutching his ribs which I most definitely fractured at the very least. No regrets.
Namjoon paces back and forth while cursing under his breath at the both of us. Mad at Tae for obvious reasons while pissed at me for getting at Tae first.
No regrets. Worth it.
"Okay so...what now? How are we going to move on from this?" I groan, leaning back. Tired and wanting to be home checking on Jungkook and Jimin right about now.
"Ask dumb shit over there since he has all the fucking plans!" Namjoon motions towards Tae who only rolls his eyes.
I glance around the room just now noticing that the hybrids are gone. "Uhh, where did Hoseok and Jin go?"
Both immediately come to attention and realize the same thing. Or lack thereof. Taehyung grunts in pain as he stands up and begins limping out of the room. We walk down the stairs and hear giggling voices in the kitchen.
We end up finding both hybrids covered in chocolate and flour with a large amount of cooking supplies on the counter and an empty carton of milk.
"You okay?" Namjoon asks as he rushes to Hoseok's side and cups his sugar and chocolate coated cheeks.
The hybrid blushes, nodding. "Just hungry. We wanted to make a cake." He smiles widely, rubbing his belly.
Tae keeps his gaze firmly on Jin as he avoids his stare. Never looking up from the mixing bowl. Smart kitten.
"Jin." He calls quietly.
The feline purrs and shudders, still refusing to look up at his mate. Fuck, how could Kim Taehyung, of all the vampires, mate a hybrid? It's insane. That poor feline is in for some hell.
"Well then. I'm going—" my ringing phone cuts me off. I answer it immediately. "What is it?"
"Jungkook had the baby. They are both okay. It's a boy." Jackson sounds relieved and extremely exhausted.
I'm frozen in shock and mounting anger that because of Taehyung I had to be here missing Jungkook giving birth. He could have died and I would have missed it! Missed him!
I take several deep breaths to calm myself down. "I'll be there soon." My eyes flicker up to Jin who looks down but I can sense his concern. "I'm bringing Jin, too."
Tae snarls. "Like fucking hell!" He tries to stalk over to his mate but Namjoon stops him by grabbing him by the throat.
"You, dumb son of a bitch, are not going anywhere. You get to help me with the council situation while Yoongi takes them." He demands.
Tae scowls, fully enraged his entire body shakes. "He's not going anywhere!"
Jin seems to understand the serious situation and looks up at me. "Can I pack my things? I want to see Jimin as soon as I can."
I smile at him and massage his ears the way I know Jimin likes. He purrs and swishes his lovely soft tail around my wrist.
Taehyung goes berserk until Namjoon finally has enough and knocks him out cold. Jin looks over in concern. "Is he okay?"
I look at him in surprise. "After everything he's most definitely put you through—you ask if he's okay?" Completely confused.
He nods, sighing and placing his hand on his stomach. "H-he's my mate and most likely the father of my baby. Of course I have to be concerned with his well being."
I gasp. "You're pregnant?!"
      He blushes. "N-not sure yet but most likely...yes." He admits.
      I look up at Namjoon in exasperation. He glares down at his brother before kicking him again out of anger. "Fuck!"
      "Go get ready. It's best we go before the prick wakes up." I sigh.
      He frowns. "I will see him again, right? He's my mate."
      We both look at him I pity. "We're trying to save you from him. You can come stay with me and help take care of Jimin. He needs you right now. Any day he'll be giving birth." I stress.
      His eyes widen in acknowledgment and he nods, heading upstairs to grab his things. I look at Namjoon. "I'll take good care of Hoseok until you come back for him. Okay?"
       He nods, seeming to be deep in thought. He pulls Hoseok over to him and out of the room for what I'm assuming is a little private time before they leave with me. I take great pleasure in making sure Taehyung doesn't wake up anytime soon while I escape with his mate and Hoseok.
       About an hour later we arrive back at my place to see Jimin sitting out on the deck in one of my loose long shirts and nothing else while rocking a bundled up baby. My breath catches as he looks up and smiles widely directly at me.
      Helping the hybrids gather their bags, I place them in the living room for now and go check on Jungkook who is sleeping soundly, looking much healthier than before.
      "The mating really seemed to work." I mumble mostly to myself.
      Jackson sighs. "Yeah. It was rough but we made it through. Hopefully it will go just as smoothly with Jimin as well." He cracks his sore bones and slumps down into the chair.
       "Where's Mark?"
      "I made him go home to get some sleep. He's bringing me back some clothes in the morning."
      "No. You should go home. We'll be fine here and I will call you if something happens." 
       He hesitates. "I need to keep watch over him..."
       "I can do that. Go. Be with your mate. You've done a lot here for me and I'm thankful. Go home and rest. You can both come back refreshed, okay?"
      Yawning, he nods and disappears out the door. I walk back out to see Jimin, Jin, and Hoseok all cooing over the little baby. My baby.
      I walk over and stare down into the beautiful child that looks so much like me. Especially the eyes. Noticing me, Jimin smiles and holds the baby up. "Here. Jungkook didn't want to name him until you got back."
      I take the baby and smile as the boy snuggles into my chest and sucks his tiny thumb. Fuck, I'm not a sap...I'm not a sap...I'm a bad ass criminal mafia connected vampire...not a whipped pussy....fuck, who am I kidding? I'm crazy over these gorgeous hybrids and my child.
      I clear my throat. "Does he have any ideas?" I ask.
      He chuckles and snuggles into Jin's chest, brothers finally reunited. "Yeah. I think he was considering...Yoon-Jae." He beams.
      I cough, holding back emotion as I clutch the tiny child in my arms, my eyes falling onto Jimin's plump stomach. My other child. "I'm going to go stay with Jungkook for awhile so you three can catch up." I explain.     
      I turn around to leave, not pausing when loud shouts of protest and whines come from behind me.
      "Bring the baby back!"
      "Not my baby!!!"
      Ignoring them, I close the door behind me and tighten my hold on my son, climbing into bed beside Jungkook an resting the baby between us.
      For just a little while...I want to forget about all the problems and responsibilities awaiting me and just relax and bask in the miracle of these two beside me.
       Yoon-Jae. Beautiful.

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