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      I'm sick to my stomach as Jimin ignores me. How can he treat me like this? Like this is all my fault just because I didn't cause a scene like he did. He's being completely selfish and it's not only hurting me and Yoongi but our sons.
      I know they can sense something wrong. Jimin just turned his back on us and took Koya into the bathroom and they haven't been out since. It's been hours.
       Yoongi sighs and shakes his head. "I wish he could understand...I'm doing this to protect you two. Koya and Yoon-Jae are halfbreeds. They're obviously strong enough to handle this training if Taehyung is this strong. Maybe it could be good for them. Knowing they can protect themselves." He mutters, rubbing my back soothingly.
       I clutch sleeping Yoon-Jae to my chest protectively. "I agree. He could have had us all killed but he's giving us a chance. It's more than the old council would have done. It's obvious Jin has no control over this. He's a victim just as much as us. I highly doubt he has any options about his own, either."
       He nods. "I talked to Namjoon. I'm glad he finally came around. I know he's worried too, but this is the right choice. I really don't think Taehyung wants to get them killed. He wants to teach them to be strong and defend themselves from vampire attackers. Although I don't agree with his methods of doing this, I can't fault his mindset. He's being protective in his own fucked up head."
       "D-do you think he'll change at all when Jin gives birth?" I ask.
       "I don't know. He hasn't seemed to change after the mating. That should have done something. Made their bond grow and kept him from hurting Jin but I feel like...like things aren't as they seem with those two."
      "I can't believe Jimin slapped him."
      "Yes, He should apologize for that. It was completely irrational and uncalled for. That poor feline has done nothing but keep his brother safe all his life."
       "I hate how he's acting. It's unfair to all of us. He's being immature and bratty." I hate saying that about my Minie but it's true. He's being ridiculous.
       "We just have to give him space and time. Hopefully he'll come around."
       "Well he better hurry. Who knows when Taehyung will want to start taking them away."
       "I doubt he would now. Probably in a few more months. They seem to grow extremely fast just like the pregnancy so in a few months they will be capable of training." 
        "What will happen to us in the meantime? Will we be forced to stay here like prisoners?"
        He hesitates. "I don't know."
       Sighing, I shift uncomfortably. I have to use the bathroom. I hand Yoongi Yoon-Jae. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll go to the one down the hall." I explain.
        He nods and lays down with our baby. "Hurry back."
       Since we've agreed to this stupid training thing, no guards watch us anymore so I can freely leave the room an explore the compound. I keep my focus trained on the bathroom, though.
       After taking care of business, I begin walking back to the room but pause when I hear loud voices the opposite direction. One sounds like Taehyung. Curiously fills me as I turn around to spy.
        Stupid. Why am I doing this? I don't know but I still am. I peak my head around the corner to see Taehyung smiling widely while holding one of his guards by the throat.
       "You dare to touch my fucking mate? You seriously tried to convince him to overthrow me? I thought you were smarter than that, Lee, but your incompetence and stupidity has revealed itself." He shoves the gasping guard harder against the wall in anger.
       The guard chokes and tries to speak but Taehyung—still smiling—leans forward, his lips pressed against the guard's cheek. "I do believe messing with your queen is a capitol offense. Let's see how you touch him again without limbs!" He growls and there's a sickening crunch before the guard—Lee—screams in agony and Taehyung rips both his arms from his body.
       I cover my mouth in shock and try not to throw up at the gore. Blood spews all over Taehyung and the floor, soaking everything. The halfbreed vampire doesn't stop there, though. I gag behind my hand as he rips his throat out so deeply his head is nearly decapitated.
       Still growling, Taehyung drops the dead guard and walks around casually until he's standing right beside his head. I watch as he smirks and stomps on his head so hard, it concaves in on itself, spraying blood and brain matter everywhere. He then pulls the head by the hair, jerking it up and ripping the spine completely from the flax body. I want to scream.
       I slide down the wall, choking on bile and shaking as Taehyung demands for someone to clean up the 'trash' and begins whistling a happy tune while walking back to his room.
       I try to calm myself and erase what I've seen but it's hard and takes a long time. Shaking, I crawl back down the hall towards our bedroom and push inside. Yoongi sits up immediately seeing my pale and sickly self.
       He lifts me into his arms as I begin to cry. "Baby, what's wrong?!"
      Holy shit. That's Jin's mate. How the hell is that shit possible?! With no remorse whatsoever! He was smiling manically the entire time! He's a psycho! 
       I think Yoongi is wrong. There is nothing that will change that deranged vampire. I believe he wouldn't think twice about getting any of us killed. I don't think I've ever been so worried about Jin, though.
       What was it he said about Jin being convinced to overthrow him? That doesn't bode well. What would he do to keep Jin in line and submissively by his side? I don't even want to think about it.

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