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My snuggle myself into Jungkook and sigh. I don't know what it is about him. At first sight I couldn't take my eyes off him. He smells amazing. Perhaps he's my mate but I don't think so...I'm not sure if hybrids can mate other different hybrids but I don't care.
Lost in the feeling of his comforting arms around me, I flinch when the door opens to reveal a beautiful yet scary smirking vampire leaning casually against the door with a predatory look in his eyes.
Jungkook jerks out of my hold making me whimper a little as he stares at the newcomer.
"Let me introduce you little pup to my newest little pet. Jungkook, I see you've met my other servant. Jimin, is it?" He steps forward and smiles at me. My breath catches at how beautiful and regal he looks with a touch of badass. It's disconcerting. "I'm Yoongi. Your new master." He takes my hand and kisses it with a wink.
"Lucky for you, it seems you and Jungkook will get to stay together. I'm taking you with us."
My eyes widen in shock and I look at Jungkook who looks just as shocked and confused as Yoongi lifts me up and begins carrying me out of the clinic.
Yelping, I can't stop myself from holding onto his shoulders and clutching at my hospital gown that keeps riding up as he strides down a lot of different hallways until we stop at a random door.
Jungkook walks forward and opens it, letting us inside. I'm set on the edge of a huge bed that feels soft and plush.
Jungkook sits beside me with his head dropped, his hand seeking mine.
Yoongi stares at us with a deep amusement that makes me nervous. "You two are too fucking adorable together. This will be so much fun." He claps joyously while Jungkook grimaces.
As Yoongi walks away for a minute I study the wolf, my eyes widening when I notice the bite mark on his neck. I clutch my own neck in horror. "D-did he bite you?" I whisper.
He bites his lip, nodding. "Yes."
I gasp. "D-did it...hurt?" I snuggle closer to him, scared.
He stares down at me with hesitation. "At first. But after..." he blushes. "It felt good."
"Really?" Will he bite me, too? I want everything that Jungkook gets. I don't want to be left out. "Will he bite me?"
He frowns. "I don't know."
Pouting, I watch Yoongi come back with a tray of food and clothes.
"Eat up, kitten." He winks and I can't stop the blush that works on my cheeks. Vampire or not...he's very attractive and has so far been nice enough.
I hesitantly take the sandwich and munch on it slowly. My belly growling at the yummy taste.
"So...Jiminie...tell me about yourself. Any old masters or anything?"
I pause, chewing. "We had a master for a while but he just left us one day and didn't come back."
He nods. "How old are you, baby?"
I duck my head at the nickname. "Fifteen." I whisper.
"Same as my little pup, then, hm? I heard a little rumor that...hybrids will start their needings soon after turning 15." He smirks. "Tell, me sweetheart...have you had a needing yet?" He teases.
     I frown, shaking my head.
     He laughs. "Two cute little hybrids. So innocent." He sighs.
     I clutch Jungkook's arm. Shy. He looks just as embarrassed, though. Yoongi looks very proud of himself for making us uncomfortable.

    "Bath time."
    We finish eating to see Yoongi smiling at us. "Let's go."
    We hesitantly follow after him, our hands clasped tightly together. Stepping into the bathroom, my eyes widen at the huge shower and bathtub. Four people could fit in that shower and the bath...plenty of space for all of us...
     Yoongi places his hands on my shoulders making me jump in surprise. His hot breath teases my nape and I shiver, looking up at Jungkook to see him eyeing us in discomfort. He looks away.
     "I've already shown Jungkook what to expect from me...perhaps I should give you the same curtesy, little kitten?" He chuckles.
     My tail swishes between us anxiously and he grabs it, sliding his palm up and down the length of it making my ears press down and a moan slip out of my mouth.
     Jungkook bites his lip hard as he stares at us. I whimper and step away, wanting my tail free. Yoongi didn't hurt it but still...it felt weird.
     "Alright. Let's shower then go to bed." He turns the water on then looks at us expectantly.
     "What are you waiting for?" He sighs.
    Letting out a deep breath, Jungkook avoids my gaze as he begins stripping out of his clothes. My eyes widen in shock. Wait...we are all showering...together? As in...they will see me naked?! No....no that's bad. I can't.
    I wrap my arms around myself and shake my head. "I can't!"
    "Little pup." Yoongi gives Jungkook a meaningful look before stepping out of the bathroom.
     Jungkook walks to my side in only his pants. "Jiminie...please don't be afraid, okay? He's a little scary but he hasn't hurt me. Just listen to him please." His hands gently tug my arms away and begin pulling my gown off.
     I'm so embarrassed. No one but Jin has seen me naked. I'm not comfortable with my body. "N-no." I whimper as he pulls the hospital gown all the way off and tosses it to the side. I huddle into myself, naked and cold.
     He doesn't dwell on my body, just smiles into my eyes as he removes his own clothes. "You're beautiful, Jiminie." He coos.
     I flush. "T-thank you, Kookie." I smile at the random nickname and he chuckles.
     "I see you two worked everything out." Yoongi comes back in already naked with a towel wrapped around his hips. I try not to stare at his body but...it's kinda hard not to when he's obviously flaunting it.
     "Get in." He smirks, holding the shower door open. Jungkook steps inside, obviously embarrassed himself. I follow suit, feeling Yoongi's eyes on my butt. The door is closed as he steps in as well and I have to admit this shower is amazing. Three shower heads above us, raining down pure water. It feels amazing.
      "Don't worry, kitten. I won't bite. At least not right now." He smiles, baring his teeth. His eyes trailing over my naked body. My tail wraps around my hips for protection from his eyes.
    He ruffles my wet hair, massaging my ears. I purr. I can't help it. It feels really good.
     I close my eyes as he begins washing my hair. His hands gentle, completely contrasting to his scary violent vampire image. I open my eyes to see Jungkook watching us with a strange look in his eyes.
     As his gaze flickers back and forth between me and our master...I can't help but think he looks...jealous?
     But is he jealous of me or Yoongi? Or both? I can't tell.

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