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I hum to myself as I place my phone back into my pocket. I just finished talking to the council. Everything is going perfectly. Smirking, I walk into my dark bedroom and toss the phone and keys on my desk. I turn to flip the lights on—
A hard body knocks into mine, a sharp pain in my neck, and the surprise is enough to knock me to the floor. Growling, I flip over ready to attack the intruder as hands wrap around my throat.
Fuck. This fucker is strong. The thought pisses me off more. I adjust my vision to see my little kitten on top of me. Rage and pain on his face as he clutches my throat. A knife in his other hand.
"How the fuck did you get out?" I demand. Struggling to get up. Why the fuck can't I move?! How is he overpowering me!
He smiles and I'm intrigued to see it full of malice. "I have my ways. Don't bother fighting me. I injected you with tranquilizers I got from Jackson's office. I know what you're planning." He demands.
I laugh, coughing around his hand still choking me. "Well, well, kitten. Who'd have thought you'd have it in you. Perhaps I was wrong about you."
He scowls, removing his hand.
"What's with the knife?" I smirk.
He punches me again and I hiss in pain and anger. "Your plan isn't going to work."
"Why the hell do you even care about my plans, hm? They've been in place before you've been here."
He smiles down at me. "It was you. You were the one that paid to have us captured and staged the raid that 'rescued' us. You planned to take us all along you just didn't want to get your hands dirty."
I stare at him in shock, unable to comprehend how the fuck he's knows this. "How did you know that?"
      He gives me a cruel smirk that seems wrong on his beautiful face. "You may ignore me and forget I'm here but I see everything. You aren't as smart as you think you are, Taehyung. I really don't care about your plan to overthrow your brother but I do care how this will effect me and my mine. You're going to get us all killed by the council. I can't let that happen." He growls.
     I blink. Shit. All my efforts...only to be fucking thwarted by a fucking hybrid?! I bare my teeth at him. "There's nothing you can do. The council are coming tonight for dinner."
       He laughs. "Oh that. I suppose you can't really out Namjoon and Yoongi about having an...inappropriate relationship with their hybrids if that makes you a hypocrite."
      I scoff. "Everything I've done to you has been within the law, sweetheart." I mock. "So I hurt you feelings and forced out quite powerful orgasms from your body. So what? I can do that. I'm still you master, remember that!"
      He nods slowly, studying the knife in his hand. "Right." He pauses his pacing. "I know you have evidence of them mating. I know you know that Jimin and Jungkook are pregnant. Maybe Hoseok as well."
      I smile teasingly. "Your point? I hope you know as soon as this tranquilizer wears off...I'm going to fucking torture you, make you beg for death, kitten." I keep my voice deceptively soft and seductive, enjoying the shiver that goes down his spine.
      His hands shake. "I can't allow you to get Jimin killed."
     I chuckle. "Allow me? There's nothing you can do."
     He licks his lips. "I didn't just inject you with a paralyzing agent. I also added some...I guess you could call it the vampire equivalent of high dose viagra." He snorts.
      I frown. "Why the fuck would you do that." I hiss.
     He stares down at me. "Because you can't tell the council about the others if you also have a pregnant hybrid."
      My eyes widen as he grabs my shoulders and drags my dead weight body onto the bed and begins removing my clothes. I swallow hard. "This will never work!"
      He smirks. "I think it will. I don't care how long it takes but I'm not leaving here until I'm pregnant." He says causally.
      I have no words. Really. "If you weren't pissing me off to the point I want to rip your throat out...I think I'd be impressed."
      He laughs. "I have an excellent teacher on how to be a vile despicable and underhanded creature." He spits.
      I laugh. "You know...there is nothing stopping me from killing you, pregnant or not." I mutter.
       He shrugs. "Doesn't matter. Once I'm pregnant they will still know you broke the law even if I'm dead. You will be punished and Namjoon will know your game."
      I scowl as he slowly strips naked and I feel my cock twitch. God fucking damn it! He climbs on the bed between my legs and begins stroking my cock. I clench my teeth. I may not be able to move but I can still feel everything. Shit.
      He straddles my stomach facing away from me as he pumps my cock to full hardness. I groan, enraged and turned on. Fuck. I really underestimated my little kitten. I'll have to keep this in mind.
      He tilts his head, his ears perking up as his tail wraps around my throat. "You know...I think this is an excellent time for my own payback. Perhaps I should just kill you but then where will I go? I rather like it here." He sighs, mostly talking to himself. I glare as he tightens his tail around my throat until I can't breathe.
      "I'm going to fuck you up." I growl hoarsely.
      He snorts. "That's the idea."
      Touché. Fucker. I moan as he bends down and begins sucking my cock roughly, digging his nails painfully into my balls as I hiss and try to breathe. Fuck. His ass is directly in front of my face giving me a show as he hovers over my groin.
      I struggle to move my head and get free of his tail. I growl loudly, baring my teeth. "Fuck! If you're going to do this then go all out, kitten." I lick my lips, feeling the drug kick in. "Bring me that ass. I want a taste."
      He sits up with a teasing smile but I see the lust in his eyes. He bounces his plump ass over my chest. "I don't know...you like to bite."
      I smirk, mouth watering. "I do believe you like to take risks."
       He hesitates before releasing my throat. I suck in a deep breath of air—only for my air supply to be cut off as he sits his plump leaking ass on my face. He grinds down, moaning, covering my face in his slick.
      "If you don't want to die by suffocation...I suggest you get to work making me cum, master."
      I groan, unable to breath as he rubs his wet puffy hole all over my face. Fuck...dare I say...I'm fucking proud.

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